Monday, June 30, 2008

Workshop preparation

I was preparing for my July 16 workshop. It is all on techniques. I came up with 24 different little cards showing these techniques. I will also give them a hand out with the instructions so they can add this info to the back of each card. This was alot of work and I felt like I was writing a book. I think this workshop will be alot of fun.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Garden Walk

Today was the TriKappa Garden walk. It rained early in the am so I thought it was going to be a wash...but the sun came out and so did the people. An hour before it was supposed to close, it clouded up and then I packed up. Got all of my "stuff" into the car just in time. Here is a photo of me painting on location. Thanks Janice for helping sell my art products.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Getting ready.

This Sunday I will be at the Tri-Kappa Garden walk. The house that I will be at is in Briar Ridge. I have done a series of 5 x 7 watercolors that I will be selling as prints and note cards. The originals will be framed and for sale. I will also be painting on location. Let's pray that it doesn't rain.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Up and running

Today Kathy Kreidler is trying to teach me to create my blog. So far so good, but I am sure that I will be calling her up all of the time asking what to do now. So answer you phone Kath-


Went to lunch with a friend a few weeks ago and took some photos of these flowers in the window and then this is the painting that I created last week.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Starting my Blog

Been wanting to this for some time but I am finally doing it. Not sure if I am doing it right, but we will find out. Hopefully when I find out what I am doing, you will be seeing the paintings that I do in watercolor.