Sunday, August 24, 2008

18 Artists

I was accepted into the 18 Artists group which is an online Gallery. I will be telling you more about it later. We are having a show at the Active Arts Salon and the show is titled "Big Show of Little Pieces." They can not be bigger than 16 x 20 and we are allowed 3 pieces. The opening is Sept. 12. This is a little piece that I did that I will add to the show.

Wait till you see the two larger pieces that I did the other night. I painted for 9 hours straight. I didn't know you can overdose on painting. LOL.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Falling Into It !

Been working all night deciding which paintings will be previewed at my next two shows. My framer is going to love me since I have a lot to order. Wait till you see them, not the frames, the paintings. Gotta run and clean out my palette. I can sure make a mess when I am having fun.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Welcome Fall, You All !

My Classes begin Sept. 3. If you didn't sign up yet, you better give me a call. There are just a few more openings.
I am getting ready to change the paintings at Scarborough Faire Restaurant-Schererville and at Carriage Court Pizza-Crown Point. They both want fall paintings. So it is time to paint some more fall scenes. Well back to the studio I go to do that.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Today's workshop

Today was the glass workshop. It was an all day afair and I think they all enjoyed it. We were all tired at the end of the day. They must have liked lunch since some went for seconds...ok, we all did. Here are a few photos from today and then one of the demonstration piece. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More glass

Here's tonight's piece of glass. Now I have three examples for my students for next week's workshop.
Now the magic many pieces do I want in this series of glass paintings??? and see!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More Glass

Decided to try some more glass. These are a few more pieces from my collection. It sure is alot harder to paint than a landscape!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Having a Ball

Thought I would do a few samples of glass paintings for my students. I have collected all of this glass from antique stores, second hand stores, and around the house. It has been fun setting these different glass pieces up and then photographing them. Wish I knew what I was doing with the camera.
There are some awesome artists out there that paint so realistically. I do not have the patience for that.