Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Well, this is the last painting that I did for 2008. Happy New Year! Last year was a great year for painting and I am looking forward to an even better year this new year! This is #5 in this Chicago series.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Chicago in the Summer

It is hard to imagine Chicago in the summer when it is snowing outside right now. Here is another painting in my little mini series.

Monday, December 29, 2008

At the Riverside

Here is number 3 in this little series. These paintings are 8 x 10 and they take as long as a big one to paint.
Today is a sad day. One of my students/dear friend passed away today. She was about 2 years older than me. I still can't believe it. She will be deeply missed. I think I will do a painting of her.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Crossing over the Bridge

Thought I would work on another painting today. It is so good to be able to put Christmas aside and get back into the studio. Time to get some of those cookies. On to the next one for tomorrow...

Friday, December 26, 2008

Finally got to do some painting today.

Working on some Chicago Scenes. Should I add some snow??

Cookies Anyone...

Made a bunch of to sit out this ice storm that we are having.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Where have I been???

This is a VERY busy time of year for me. I am just finishing up writing my Christmas cards. This is the design for this year's card. Blessings for the New Year to ALL!!
It has taken me 2 weeks to decorate the house. I have trees in every room. The living room tree is the biggest (27 strands of 100 light bulbs, over 350 ornaments, plus garland). Then I had two new Winter shows to hang at the same time. Way to much at one time. But most of that is done so now I can enjoy the holidays a bit and begin baking. Any requests??

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Girls Just Gotta Have Fun!!

This is what happens when two friends get together for a play date. We have been friends for over 50 years...unbelievable. Here we are making Christmas Planners. How did we ever find anything in that mess.
We were celebrating Cathy's Birthday...
So this is a photo of two Kathys (Cathys).

Friday, November 7, 2008

Starting early....or am I ?

Showed my students how I do my Christmas cards.
I do about 6 at a time and then I will be cutting them out and mounting them onto colored stock. We all had fun doing them and snow was flying everywhere. Let's many should I make??

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Today's Demo

One of my students wanted to learn how to do some snow so this is what I did as a demo. Now, I will not take responsibilty if it should snow tomorrow. Hope you like it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Break Time

Now it is time to take a break. Thought I would try these glasses of, I tried to paint them, not drink them. The election is now over. It was exciting to watch all the people in Chicago on TV. I hate crowds.

Flowers are done.

Well, I stayed up till 4 am today to finish this painting. I do love to stay up late. This way no one will bother me when I am working. Now for my client to pick out the mat. I already have the frame for it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Working on a Commission

Didn't paint this weekend. Instead, I took a card making class on Saturday and I have been making cards all weekend. I made some for Fall/Thanksgiving Day cards and then some for Christmas. Now that I have that out of my system for a little while, I decided to work on a commission that I need to get done. The gal has the frame already and these flowers are actually flowers from her centerpiece. I hope this is what she has in her mind. This is about 1/2 way completed.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Birch Tree Demo

Tonight I was showing the students how to paint some more snow. Thought they would like to learn how to paint some birch trees. Also taught them how to paint them with a palette knife. I will not be responsible if it snows this weekend.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tonight's Demo

Tonight I showed the beginning students how to do a snow scene and how to use the white of the paper. They did a good job and had a good time. Next week I will show them how to paint birch trees.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Leaf Demo

This is the painting that I did for a demo for class. It is a 9 x 12. This is the first time that this class did some negative painting. They had alot of fun and realized it is a bit harder to do than it looks.
I will be giving a demo on leaves like these at the Chesterton Art Center on Nov. 22 from 10-3. There is a limited amount of space in this class so hurry and sign up soon.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Demo at Chesterton

Saturday was an art day in Chesterton, Indiana. There were artists at various locations in town and many were doing demonstrations of their craft. I was at the Chesterton Art Gallery and I gave this demo. I had less than an hour to get it completed. Since it was fall and I was in "Dunes" country, that is why I chose this subject.

When I got home I spent a little time to add a few more brush strokes...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Pumpkins A Brewing

I got this third painting completed and framed in the pumpkin series and they are now hanging at Scarborough Faire Restaurant. When I went and hung the rest of the paintings, I had this delicious 3-Cheese Penne Pasta. You have to try it...and while you are there, check out the paintings.
Let's see...what will I paint and see.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Here's another painting for my show at Scarborough Faire Restaurant in Schererville.. Just one more fall one to paint.
Today I received my prints that I ordered of my glass paintings. I decided to get two of them made into Gicles. Now I can sell them more reasonably.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Fall is Here!!

I didn't realize that I didn't post in a long time. A lot has been happening. I did finish a very complicated painting with books in it. You will have to wait to see that one. I also taught a workshop at the Chesterton Art Center. It was a full class and they all worked so hard. I have pictures to prove it.
Today I hung a new fall show at Scarborough Faire Restaurant in Schererville, Indiana. Hope you go to see it. Now to do just a few more paintings for it. Then it will be time to do a new winter show.
Time to go and clean out my palette and to clean up the studio for classes tomorrow.
Take it easel!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So much has been happening in our area. On Friday it started to rain and continued through Sunday night. I believe that we had 10" of rain. This caused so much flooding. So many people lost so much and even today they can not go into their homes to see the damages. Munster, Indiana was under water and there were so many flooded streets so it made traveling almost impossible. Even 80/94 is still shut down. This is a major east west highway. I have been busy trying to help out. That is why I haven't posted any new paintings. I now know how to fill sand bags.

So tonight in class, I did this little demo showing how to paint rain.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Painted glass II

Well, I just finished another piece of glass. I think I am done painting glass for a while. Now I have a series of glass paintings. I will be teaching my Friday class how to do this. What will I be painting next? Maybe something to do with FALL? Watch and see.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tried to fix the glass

Went to the eye doctor today and told him to fix my eyes since I didn't see that one bottle correctly last night. I worked on it some more today. I will see what it looks like in the morning.
Classes will begin tomorrow. We will be painting barns. The Friday class will paint glass. You will be seeing some barns on my blog soon.

Painted Glass

Back to painting glass and this is my last night to stay up to do so. My classes begin on Wednesday. Now to get back into the swing of things. I so much love the night. How am I going to change my schedule.
As I look at this painting...I think I will have to do something with the short rounded bottle. It looks off to me. And tomorrow I am supposed to see my eye doctor. Maybe it is my eyes and he can fix them. I like how the bell turned out. That was a challenge. Did you notice the paint brushes...alla...painted glass.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

18 Artists

I was accepted into the 18 Artists group which is an online Gallery. I will be telling you more about it later. We are having a show at the Active Arts Salon and the show is titled "Big Show of Little Pieces." They can not be bigger than 16 x 20 and we are allowed 3 pieces. The opening is Sept. 12. This is a little piece that I did that I will add to the show.

Wait till you see the two larger pieces that I did the other night. I painted for 9 hours straight. I didn't know you can overdose on painting. LOL.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Falling Into It !

Been working all night deciding which paintings will be previewed at my next two shows. My framer is going to love me since I have a lot to order. Wait till you see them, not the frames, the paintings. Gotta run and clean out my palette. I can sure make a mess when I am having fun.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Welcome Fall, You All !

My Classes begin Sept. 3. If you didn't sign up yet, you better give me a call. There are just a few more openings.
I am getting ready to change the paintings at Scarborough Faire Restaurant-Schererville and at Carriage Court Pizza-Crown Point. They both want fall paintings. So it is time to paint some more fall scenes. Well back to the studio I go to do that.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Today's workshop

Today was the glass workshop. It was an all day afair and I think they all enjoyed it. We were all tired at the end of the day. They must have liked lunch since some went for seconds...ok, we all did. Here are a few photos from today and then one of the demonstration piece. Enjoy.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

More glass

Here's tonight's piece of glass. Now I have three examples for my students for next week's workshop.
Now the magic many pieces do I want in this series of glass paintings??? and see!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More Glass

Decided to try some more glass. These are a few more pieces from my collection. It sure is alot harder to paint than a landscape!!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Having a Ball

Thought I would do a few samples of glass paintings for my students. I have collected all of this glass from antique stores, second hand stores, and around the house. It has been fun setting these different glass pieces up and then photographing them. Wish I knew what I was doing with the camera.
There are some awesome artists out there that paint so realistically. I do not have the patience for that.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It's Been a Dog Day Evening

Didn't do any painting last week. Been busy designing a little coloring page for Carriage Court Pizza to hand out to kids. Hung the Illiana Members show at the Art Barn in Valporaiso (opening Aug. 10, from 2-4), made title cards for it, and took care of my mom.
The painting that I did today is of a dog that lives at the home where I exhibited and painted at during the garden walk last month.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Getting ready to hang member's show

Later today we will be hanging the Illiana Member's show at the Art Barn in Valparaiso. It will be up all of August and the opening reception is Sunday, Aug. 10th from 2-4. So mark your calendars!! You do not want to miss this great show or the reception!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Park Full of Art

Well, this weekend was Griffith's annual art fair in the park. It has become one of the best local fairs around. This was it's 34th year, and I have been in all of them. There are 5 of us who hold this record :)
We thought it was going to be a wash since it was raining yesterday when we were supposed to set up. It did clear after a few hours and then the show was in full swing. I won 2nd place in watercolor and I also won the TriKappa award. This is a rotating catagory award and this year it was watercolor. I was elated to get this award. Sales weren't too bad but I do not have to worry about painting all day tomorrow to replenish my stock.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

After the workshop

In the late night early morning after the workshop I decided to paint some more. I worked from a small painting that I did on location at the garden walk along with some photos that I took. This is a big oak leaf hydrangea bush.
No painting tomorrow (or should I say...later today). Have to start packing for the art fair. Plenty to do!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today was my July Workshop Day. It started at 10 am and ended at 3:30 pm. I taught the class 24 different wc techniques. Boy was it a busy day. They really worked hard and we all had fun. What did I make for lunch you ask? Hot ham and cheese sandwiches, spinach squares, chips, veggies and my favorite cherry/chocolate cake. Who said we were starving artists.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Blick Art Expo-Lisle, Illinois

Spent this past week matting and framing for "Park Full of Art in Griffith" which is July 19th & 20th. Had to take photos of my new paintings so here is one of them.
Yesterday and today I went to the Blick Expo (which runs through Sunday). It was awesome. I took an airbrush class and found this is NOT easy. Came home with tons on new art supplies and I feel like a kid in a candy store.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Back to Painting

Took a few days off from painting. Worked 8 hours today in the gardens. They are looking pretty good! So much information to paint from. Got may studio back together and began painting again. Griffith's Park Full of Art will be here in less than 2 weeks. Thought I would paint some flowers since they seem to sell well at art fairs. Almost done with this, it is still wet.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Workshop preparation

I was preparing for my July 16 workshop. It is all on techniques. I came up with 24 different little cards showing these techniques. I will also give them a hand out with the instructions so they can add this info to the back of each card. This was alot of work and I felt like I was writing a book. I think this workshop will be alot of fun.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Garden Walk

Today was the TriKappa Garden walk. It rained early in the am so I thought it was going to be a wash...but the sun came out and so did the people. An hour before it was supposed to close, it clouded up and then I packed up. Got all of my "stuff" into the car just in time. Here is a photo of me painting on location. Thanks Janice for helping sell my art products.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Getting ready.

This Sunday I will be at the Tri-Kappa Garden walk. The house that I will be at is in Briar Ridge. I have done a series of 5 x 7 watercolors that I will be selling as prints and note cards. The originals will be framed and for sale. I will also be painting on location. Let's pray that it doesn't rain.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Up and running

Today Kathy Kreidler is trying to teach me to create my blog. So far so good, but I am sure that I will be calling her up all of the time asking what to do now. So answer you phone Kath-


Went to lunch with a friend a few weeks ago and took some photos of these flowers in the window and then this is the painting that I created last week.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Starting my Blog

Been wanting to this for some time but I am finally doing it. Not sure if I am doing it right, but we will find out. Hopefully when I find out what I am doing, you will be seeing the paintings that I do in watercolor.