Monday, August 31, 2009

Are You Going to Scarborough Faire?

watercolor 22 x 30

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme...Just finished this painting for my new collection of paintings for my friends' restaurant...Scarborough Faire. It is located in Schererville, IN. It is a really darling place to eat...either inside or out. And, did I say the food was delicious?!!
They just sold two of my 8 x 10 paintings of water lilies yesterday. That always motivates an artist to paint. I am trying to get a few new ones that really speak of the restaurant so that we can make a series of cards to sell there. So back to the studio....No, not at this hour. It is time to close the palette and hit the pillow.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wine for Two

watercolor on hot press plate board

Thought I would try something different tonight. Went to my flat files and pulled out this piece of hot press plate board. It is really slick and smooth. I figured since I was using a different surface than I normally do, that I would try different colors. So this painting was done with my luxury colors that I don't use very often. I also thought to go one step further and get real loose and free with the brush. I even used a #8 mop brush. The photos aren't picking up the colors as they are in the painting. In the painting I used a lot of purples and teals.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Sign of Spring


This is almost a full sheet of paper. I will have to look up the size on this one. It is the other painting that was accepted into the Illiana Artist Juried Exhibit held at the Chesterton Gallery in Chesterton, IN. It will open this Friday.
It was a busy weekend with my open house. I was so looking forward to working in the studio today. But, I guess God had a different plan. I was sick. For those of you who know me, I do not know how to take it easy, so today was a hard day. I'm feeling better right now and I can't wait till tomorrow to eat something and to hit that studio!! I can hear my brushes crying for me....

Friday, August 21, 2009

Rasberry Cookies?

watercolor 22 x 30

Just had this painting accepted into a juried show here in Indiana. The opening is Aug. 28 from 7-9 at the Chesterton Art Center. I was fortunate enough to get two of my painting accepted into this show.
This weekend is my Longaberger open house.

Saturday, August 15, 2009



This is the other bird, the robin, that I did as a demo for the workshop that I had this past Wednesday. Today I taught a workshop on Sunflowers at the Chesterton Art Center. After I shoot a photo of it, I will post it.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Another Bird

watercolor 7 x 11

I held another bird workshop yesterday in my studio. This is one of the birds that we painted. I have another workshop at the Chesterton Gallery this Saturday and that will be on Sunflowers.
I believe we have two spots open yet if you want to take the class.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


What does this have to do with my art? Bet most of you did not know that I am a Longaberger consultant. A what? I sell baskets and pottery for this great company in Ohio. The baskets are all hand made. I am having an open house Aug. 22 & 23 so I was telling a basket buddy about this idea I came up with. Maybe you can use it for something too.
One of our Christmas baskets is called the "peppermint twist." So I made this special tree. My guests will take a mint. I put a little circle into each mint with a number 1,2,3, and then A & B. This will determine the gift that they will receive.
Check out our baskets at:
Feel free to place an order!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Blue Jay

watercolor 7 x 11

Here is the demo that I did in the afternoon for the workshop last Friday. On this painting I was showing the class how to leave the background light with lots of white paper showing. I am having another bird workshop on Wednesday, so we will see what birds we paint then. Stay tuned!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bird workshop

watercolor 7 x 11

Well, I was away for a week. I was at a Longaberger Basket convention in Columbus, Ohio. I have been a consultant for 10 years and this was our annual convention. It was a lot of fun and lots of work. The new products look awesome.
But now I am back home and today I had a workshop on birds. It was alot of fun, too. What a great week it has been. I will be having another workshop next Wednesday and I have 2 openings if you are interested.