Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Winter Snow Bridge

watercolor 5" x 7" art ~ matted to 8" x 10" $40

This is a little watercolor that I challenged myself to just using one size of brush. I used a mop brush. It was a small one, but it was still a mop. This is a scene from our snow storm of 2008. I added the bridge. This may be the last painting of 2009 so if it is, I would like to wish everyone a very Blessed and healthy New Year. Special thanks to everyone who took the time to view my blog or write a message on it. This is what inspires us to live our passions. Thanks for letting us follow our dreams.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Winter Sunset

graphite pencil 5" x 7" value sketch $25
watercolor 7-1/2" x 11-1/2" matted to 12" x 16" $60

This was today's painting. I thought I would show you the value sketch that I did for this painting. I try to do one for every painting but it is just a guide and I am free to take my liberties to change anything that I would want. You can see that I did this by making the barn smaller which made it further in the distance. I also wanted to create a mood so I made this a sunset.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Winter Reflections

watercolor 5" x 8" $40

Well, we definitely had a white Christmas here in Indiana. If you need snow, let me know and I will be happy to send you some. My decorations will stay up till Jan. 6. Two of the family parties that we hosted are over and there is just one more party to host. That is my party for my students. It is this Saturday and there is a watercolor competition that I hold for them with ribbons and prizes. Yes, there will be lots of food and I still have cookies.

This little watercolor looks like it can be a card, but this is actually a painting that I completed from the sketch that I posted a few entries ago...I took my artistic license and changed a few the season!!

I am glad that I can now get back to painting. I miss it when I can not create in some form. My paints were all dried up because the lid to my palette opened some how. I like to paint with my watercolors really creamy. Here's to the ending of a year that needs to more on and make room for the next!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ho Ho Ho...Merry Christmas!!

watercolor 21" x 21" "Santa Los"

Here's Wishing that all your dreams come true during this magical time of year!!

This is a painting that I just painted of my dad who passed away 15 years ago. It is this year's Christmas card.

The house is all cleaned, the gifts are all wrapped, cookies are baked, the turkey is in the oven, now to just sit back and wait for all the wonders of this beautiful holiday!
He's watching you!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Holiday Ornaments

watercolor and pastel 5 x 7

This is from my visit up to Chicago in November. The photo inspiration was taken at Macy's Department Store which used to be Marshall Fields. I miss Field's. Macy's was always that store that was in New York that had the Thanksgiving day parade.
I thought I would experiment a bit and I added some pastel to the ribbon. It was good to paint since I have been so busy with Christmas preparations. Yesterday and today I made pierogie's (sp?). It is a polish food that is like a dumpling. Now I have to clean up the mess I made in the kitchen. Where are the kitchen elfs when you need them.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Winter Card Workshop

watercolor 5 x 7 cards

I taught a winter card workshop in my studio this past weekend. Here you will see what we were painting. The top three show the step-by-step process. Then underneath those three you will see 2 finished cards mounted to card stock. It was one of those lets have fun and make something special for our friends kind of workshop. We had a great lunch, too.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Getting ready to paint...the value of a value sketch

graphite pencil 5" x 7" $30

Ok. All of the trees are decorated and so are other areas of the house, gifts are wrapped, parties are in the workings, shopping is done and now I can go back to painting. I am ready for Christmas. In another week I will be baking up a storm...and some cookies, too.
Here is a little value sketch that I just completed for a future painting. It was from a fall photo that I took, but with this snow and ice storm that we were hit with last night... I think it just might be a winter scene. I love to plan out my paintings with these little sketches so I can decide on value, design and color. Come back and see what it becomes.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Let it Snow


Well it was supposed to snow last night, but it didn't. I am still busy decorating the house. Decorated the tree in the family room last night. That is a county tree with some of the ornaments that I made myself. Maybe I will post some of my trees later. I have two 4' tress that I want to finish up today.. those are decorated with white lights and angels. Tonight I will decorate the living room tree which is 10' tall. Fortunately it is one of those pencil trees, but it will still take hours to do. My nephew is supposed to come over to help out. He loves to help me and I am sure he can use a little cash at this time of year. lol