Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Chicago Theatre

watercolor 21 x 14

Ok, I said I would change the topic of today's painting. No flowers. I live close to Chicago, Illinois so I thought I would go through my file to see what excited me. I decided that I would paint the Chicago theatre. This is a landmark along with the Marshall Field's clock. I wish I could have painted looser but I have to stay true to myself and stay with my style. But at least I have people in the painting.
Chicago is a fun city no matter what season or what time of the day. If you listen closely, you can hear all of the people and the sounds of the city. Enjoy!

Monday, March 29, 2010


watercolor 28 x 8

Another in my garden series. These lilies grow in my back yard along the house. Hurry up spring so I can see you again. I just bought some yellow lilies. They are so pretty. I am bringing my garden into the house until it gets warmer.
Let's see what will I paint next. I still have a few more ideas for the garden series, but I think I will paint something else tonight....come back and see......

Friday, March 26, 2010


watercolor 28 x 8

Another in my garden series. I have tried to plant these hollyhocks in my back yard garden, but they wouldn't grow very well. Then one year they started blooming on their own in our front garden by the garage. I think they had a little help from the birds. They are a beautiful flower and I do not have to do anything except water them and pinch them back. They reseed themselves. I call these bonus flowers.

My framer/printer and I have decided to make a series of cards out of these 6 flower paintings.

Well, got to go and finish packing for a workshop that I am teaching tomorrow at the Chesterton Art Center. Call or email if you are still interested in joining us tomorrow.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Just Watered"- Workshop and DVD

watercolor 11 x 15

This painting is a bit looser than my series that I have been working on. I will be teaching a workshop this Saturday, March 27 on how to paint this painting, or one similar to it. It will be at the Chesterton Art Center form 10-3. This is in Chesterton, Indiana. There are a few openings left so you can call me or the gallery to reserve your space (gallery 219-926-4711).

I also did a DVD while I was painting this so you can also order that if your wish. That is $25 plus $4.95 shipping and handling.

I do have another painting sketched out and waiting to be painted. Come back and see what it will be......

Tomorrow's my Birthday...so I just may not get any painting done. But if I should get any flowers for my special day....you never know.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


watercolor 28 x 8 top ( bottom is a close up)

While I was going through my photos deciding which was the special flower for the evening, I decided on the Gladiola. My mom passed away last April and I was able to take photos of my mom's flowers. Do you believe that they throw all those lovely flowers away. So after the funeral I was able to come and get all of the flowers I wanted. I was able to take lots of photos. I had never seen such beautiful flowers. This was a great way to remember my mom... I remember she would always like to buy bouquets of them and she even grew them in her yard. Mom, these flowers are for you.

Calla Lilly-Peace Lilly

watercolor (bottom) 28 x 8 close up (top)

Ok, today's garden special is the Calla Lilly, also known as the Peace Lilly. I have planted the small pink ones in my garden (I am sure they have a name) but these are the white ones that are a lot bigger. We received this plant a few years ago when Tim's dad passed away. It bloomed only a few times. So...I went and bought some fake flowers to add to it. TIP: When you don't have the flowers you want to paint, use the silk ones...

Monday, March 22, 2010


watercolor 28 x 8

Today's garden special is the Foxglove. It looks like little bells waiting to chime in the wind. These also grow in my front garden. I think they want to start popping their heads through the ground soon. But here in Indiana, it is not recommended to plant anything until after May 15. My leaves are keeping them warm tonight.
Come back tomorrow to see what flower I will paint.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rocket Snapdragons

watercolor 28 x 8

I guess this is my next series. I like these long formatted paintings. They are fun to paint and as artists, we also look for new challenges. This is just a section of the painting. It is a bit longer.
These are the snaps that I like to grow in my garden. I plant them every year and then I get bonus flowers that come up from the seeds from last year. You have to watch how soon you plant them. If it is too rainy, they get root rot. So be careful. I plant all different colors and sizes of snaps...listen, you might hear them snap.
Happy Spring! Today is the first day. It was sleeting and it is supposed to snow.

Friday, March 19, 2010


watercolor 28 x 8

I found this long sheet of watercolor paper in my flat files and thought what can I paint on this?? So I decided to paint a delphinium that I grow in my garden. This is one of my favorite flowers. I hope the winter wasn't too hard on them and that they come back this year. This is just the middle section of the painting. It is really long so it uploads really small. That is why I thought I would show just the middle section of it.
Today it was a lovely 64 degrees and it was sunny. Tonight it is supposed to get cold and snow. Now that is not my fault because I did not paint a snow scene today....but maybe tomorrow :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Just a Rose

watercolor 7 x 11 matted to 12 x 16

Thought that since it was 65 degrees today that I would paint a flower. So I picked a rose that I got for St. Patrick's Day. The only thing about fresh flowers is that they do not last, but that beauty can live on in the memories that we paint of them.
Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to smell the roses!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Indiana Snow Barn

watercolor 14 x 21 / pencil sketch 5 x 7

I decided to paint one of the local barns that we see a lot of in Indiana. I want to get the snow out of my system so that I can start painting flowers for spring.
I am also enclosing the pencil value sketch that I did first to plan out this painting. This I do to plan the composition, design and values.
I hope we are done with the snow for this season. Come on spring!!

Watercolor Greeting Cards

watercolor cards 5 x 7 and 4 x 5

Cafe Crop in Crown Point, Indiana asked if I would teach a watercolor class on card making. Since you know how much card making means to me, I went and said YES. So here are the designs that we will begin with. No experience necessary.

If you haven't visited the store yet, you must. I have taught two watercolor pencil classes and last Saturday I taught how to paint geraniums in watercolor. This Saturday I will be teaching a pen and ink class. I am calling it...Pen and Inkles. Call and sign up to take one of the neat classes being offered.

Come back tomorrow to see what else I painted today. I was in the studio allllllll day, except to get groceries. Don't want to be a starving artist you know.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Chicago Series- #1

watercolor 14 x 21

This is the first in my series of Chicago, Illinois paintings. There is alot of fun, action and neat places to see in Chicago, also known as Chi-town. The photo for this painting was taken up at Lincoln Park where I was exhibiting this past fall. I don't know what the building was...I think it was a restaurant but I do not know the name. This painting could be included in my places to eat and drink series or my fenced in series, too. You take your pick.
I tried to paint looser, but I have a long way to go on that. I did have fun and my painting table shows it. Time to go and clean up and fill the palette.
Come back to see what I will paint next....

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Places to Eat and Drink Series--#9 In Remembrance of Me

watercolor 7 x 10

While sitting in church Monday night it was so peaceful and the way the light was shinning on the cross, I thought I would take a photo of it. I came to the studio and painted this little painting. This just might be the last in "The Places to Eat and Drink series"...Peace.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Places to Eat And Drink Series--#8

watercolor 6 x 9

Like I said, I have a few more for this eating and drinking series. Guess I just like to eat.
This looks like it could be a quaint little cafe' in Paris. Well, it is just a little outdoor restaurant by Oak Brook Mall, in Illinois. I tried to paint looser with less detail,playing with shapes, colors and contrasts. Maybe I should try drinking when I paint. LOL.
Happy eating...or drinking.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Places to Eat and Drink Series - #7

watercolor 7 x 10

Ok, I think I still have a few more little paintings to do in my "Places to Eat and Drink" Series. This is from my dinning room window looking into my back yard. I can't wait for it to get warm again so that the birds and I can have lunch. Want to join us?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Purple Roses III

watercolor 14 x 20

Ok. This is the last in the purple rose series. I wanted this grouping for this new show I am putting together for Scarborough Faire Restaurant, in Schererville, Indiana (USA). The frames are ordered and I will be able to frame them on Friday. I wish I knew how to upload these 3 photos to appear all on one line so you will be able to see how they will hang. There has to be a way to do that. Now to start planning what paintings I will want to be included into this show.

Let's see...what will I paint next...watch and see.

Thanks to everyone who comes by and checks out what I am working on and for your time in leaving your comments.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Purple Rose II

watercolor 14 x 20

I started this painting yesterday and finally finished it today. I don't believe in not finishing a painting in one sitting normally, but yesterday I fell off a ladder while hanging new paintings in my bathroom. Talk about pain. At least I didn't hit my head on the tub, just my body. Hopefully I will be moving better tomorrow.

Classes resumed today and we were working on color charts. That is the only way they will learn about color is my making the charts and really studying them. Next week's classes will be doing paintings from the color charts we are doing this week.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Purple Rose

watercolor 14 x 20

My friend, Tina, recently opened up a scrapbook store in Crown Point, Indiana. Friday she received this beautiful bouquet of flowers from her aunt and uncle. I do not know the name of these purple roses but you can get them at the floral shop. Luckily I had my pocket camera in my purse so I took some photos. I would like to do a few paintings in this series for my spring show at Scarborough Faire. We shall see. My studio classes resume this Wednesday so I will not be painting all through the night until May again...or will I?
By the way, it didn't snow today...Maybe roses will fall from the sky tomorrow.