Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Snow in July???

watercolor 7 x 31

I found this neat frame at the hobby/craft store that was on sale. Somehow it followed me home. I knew I would have to cut a special mat for it. But, I didn't check to see what size the painting would have to be. Well, it needed to be 31" and wc paper is 22 x 30. I looked through my wc papers and found some watercolor board that was 40." The frame opening is 12 x 36. I got lucky on that one. It is good to plan ahead. lol. I right away cut 2 mats and went back to the store to get another frame. It is such a strange size that maybe someone might find that attractive. It would look good over a fireplace. And then, if the fireplace caught on fire...the snow would melt and put out the fire. :)
I think the most accomplishing thing about this painting was my getting it onto this blog and then presenting the two shots and then the combined shot of the painting.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nobody Lives There--Just the Trees

watercolor 14 x 21

I thought about doing another Chicago scene, but then I felt a little bit country. This was from a photo I took and I do not believe anyone was living there at the time.
This will be a busy week for me since there is a holiday this weekend and I am having a family picnic on Saturday. Lots of cooking and cleaning for that. Won't get in all of the painting time that I would like...oh will be a fun weekend.
Off to the framer....

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yellow Umbrellas-Oakbrook Mall...suburb of Chicago

watercolor 14 x 21

A while back I did a 5 x 7 color sketch of this area. Now I was ready for the big one...1/2 sheet.
This is at a mall outside of Chicago, Illinois. It's a beautiful night tonight to be sitting out there. Would you like a glass of wine?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's Hydrangea Time

watercolor 14 x 21

I just had to do another Hydrangea painting. I love this flower a lot...can you tell? I was working on this last night so at midnight I tip-toed out into the garden to pick one of the flowers. I didn't want to wake the other flowers up. Then they would all want to come in or they would get mad that I was taking their sister. Yes, it was their sister...I took a pink one.
Boy are we having some strong storms going through today and even as I write. The tornado sirens were going off about an hour ago. I heard that Chicago was really hit bad by the storms.
Guess I will not have to water my gardens tomorrow. Hope there is no flooding either.
Back to the studio to see what I want to paint next...enjoy!

Monday, June 21, 2010

"Just Passing By" - Crown Fountain @ Milennium Park, Chicago, Illinois

watercolor 14 x 21

Well, I am still in Chicago and I am painting another fountain. Oh no, will I be doing a Chicago fountain series next? This is a unique fountain that you will find in Milennium Park. That brick wall on the right changes. Yep...maybe I will wait to tell you what happens. I may do another painting of this one and that wall. Just keep watching the water fall.
It is funny to watch everyone become a kid when they see this fountain. They all go to play in it...but then some are just walking by. Go ahead. Splash around a little bit.

Delphinium Workshop

Delphinium Workshop in Watercolor 28 x 8

This is a photo of me at the workshop that I taught June 19 at the Chesterton Art Center in Chesterton, Indiana. They wanted to learn how to paint delphinium flowers. Since I grow these in my gardens I thought it would make for a good subject matter for a class. The next class that I have is July 10 at the Briar Ridge Country Club in Munster, Indiana. We will be painting "Lilacs."
Maybe I will see you in that class....
Take it easel...keep painting.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Meet Me at the Fountain"-- Buckingham Fountain-Chicago

watercolor 14 x 21

I wanted to paint Buckingham Fountain, Chicago again. This time I wanted to catch the feeling of the is wet (and on a windy day, so are you) and sometimes it is really loud. I should do a painting of this as a night scene since they have colored lights on it. Hummmmm.

Today was a good day. I went to pick up 3 paintings that I had in a show and found out that one of them sold. Yeah! Once I get the check and I know for sure that it is really sold, I will post a photo of it.

I am teaching a class this Saturday at the Chesterton Art Center in Chesterton, Indiana. This week we will be painting delphiniums. It will be a long skinny painting. I am sure there is probably still space available if you are interested in this friends from much as I would love to have you in class, I think it is a 24 hour better leave now.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Entries into the MAAC

WINTER AROUND THE BLOCK watercolor 22 x 30

PINK LILIES watercolor 14 x 21

These are my two paintings that I entered into the Michiana Annual Art Competition at the Box Factory for the Arts in St. Joseph, Michigan. The show runs from June 11 - July 26. Both of these paintings were accepted into this exhibit. If you live out this way, go and check this show out. Not only will you find this to be a fantastic show, you will love this facility. It has a few galleries, a cafe, a gift shop, a stage for small performances, and then there are artists studios. They are awesome. There is a large classroom space..great for workshops. I wish I didn't live so far from this place because I would love to have a studio here.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fruit and Vegetable Workshop


These are the demos that I did for the workshop today that I held in my studio. The pineapple was an 11 x 14 and the peppers were even bigger. I started out with teaching how to set up stills with fruits and vegetables. I had each of them bring their cameras so that they could shoot subject matter to paint later. Then I showed them how to download them on to their computers. I explained to them how to crop, and edit their photos. Those who know me know that this is really funny. I swore that I would never be on a computer and here I am teaching others how to use theirs. Too funny.
We had a great time in class and they did some good pieces. I told them now they have to redo them to see how loose they can get. I am even going to redo mine to see how loose I can get. Oh, by the way...lunch was delicious but that up-side down German chocolate cake was out of this world. Who said we are starving artists.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Purple Hydrangea


I think I might have posted this back when I painted it in January, but yesterday I won a first award at Chesterton's 59th Annual Exhibit sponsored by the Woman's Club.
It is always fun winning an award especially when there is cash that comes with it :) That just motivates us to paint more and to get the supplies that we need to do so.
There were three judges for the show and one was the director/curator of the Brauer Museum here in Indiana :)
Kathy is Happy :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Summer Snow Balls

watercolor 22 x 30 SOLD

Since the cotton woods are dropping their seeds, it looks like snow. These white hydrangea also remind me of snow balls. My pink and blue hydrangea have buds on them already and will be blooming before you know it.
Thought I was going to finish planting the flowers today, but instead, I was preparing for a class I will be teaching at the senior center tomorrow. I will be teaching them how to paint tulips. As a surprise, I am giving everyone a pair of garden you think I can convenience them to come and help me weed?
Hope you all have a great weekend ahead. I just about have my studio back in order. I will finish that up this weekend. I will be teaching an all day workshop on fruits and veggies on Wednesday. There are a few openings left. Call if you are interested...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Geraniums for Sale

watercolor 18 x 24

So much has been happening these last few days. Word of not get 3 rooms of new carpeting at one time. There is no place to empty out these rooms. Being married for almost 34 years, makes one tend to collect a lot of "stuff." I have not seen my studio for almost a week. Much of it ended up in there. Tomorrow I claim back my space as I get ready for a class that I am teaching on Friday at the Senior Center in Griffith. We can still fit you in if interested. Give me a call.
Also at this time I got a cold or a bug or something. That is slowing me down. Got a few more flowers to plant, but it is supposed to rain for the next 4 days. oh well.
Back to frosting my chocolate cupcakes...are you coming for coffee?