Monday, October 29, 2012

Chicago series - # X

7" x 11"

This is the last of my Chicago mini series.  Now you have seen them all.  Back to painting larger.  Keep watching for some new and exciting things.  

My show comes down on Wednesday.  Last chance to see it tomorrow...or you can come on Wednesday and help me take it down.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Chicago series-IX

7" x 11"

Here is #9 in my little Chicago series.  These I made for my solo show which was "One Hour From Home."  Since I do not like to travel, I wanted to show how you can find subjects all around you if only we would open our eyes.  These little paintings that are 9" x 11" are matted to 12" x 16" and these I painted to be your postcard from taking my trip through my paintings.

There were 10 barns, 10 dunes and 10 Chicago scenes.  It is hard to believe that this Wednesday the show comes down. Where did that month go?   So you still have a chance to go to the Chesterton Gallery in Chesterton, Indiana.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chicago series-VIII

11" x 7"

Here is a little painting that I did for my solo show in Chesterton, Indiana.  I believe this one sold already.  I haven't posted for a bit since I was sick.  Guess sometimes we just have to take it easy....not easy for me to do.  But I am feeling a lot better and Tim is now sick.  Now that is really for the birds.....

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Chicago series VII

7" x 11"

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but right after my big opening of my solo exhibit I ended up getting sick.  Tonight I got some meds and soon I will be back in the studio painting away.

I have some workshops coming up on Saturday and Monday so I better hurry and get well quick.

By the way, this is the Marshall Field's clock.  The store is no longer Field's anymore.  It is now Macy's.  They kept this clock and they still sell the Field's chocolates :))

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Chicago series VI

7" x 11"

The Chicago Bean is a neat place to visit.  Here you can see a view of the city or of yourself.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Chicago series V

7" x 11"

At the Daley Plaza you will find the big sculpture of Picasso.  One day last summer I saw this man feeding the pigeons.  There are so many pigeons in Chicago.  lol.  This painting SOLD the day of my opening, Sept. 29.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Chicago Series IV

7" x 11"

This is Picasso's gift to the city of Chicago.  You can find this sculpture at the Daley Center Plaza.  It is big and you can not miss it.  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Chicago series III

7" x 11"

This is the Chicago light house.  Wouldn't that light house be a cool place to have a studio.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chicago series II

 7" x 11"

Watch for the Chicago series.  My demo was this past Saturday at the Chesterton Gallery in Chesterton, Indiana.  The opening was this past Sunday and was a blast.  Photos to come or you can find them on my Face book pages.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chicago Series # I

7" x 11" it next series.  This is #1 in my mini series of 10 of Chicago.  I sure do love the city.  Hope you enjoy this next series :))