Monday, April 28, 2014

Chicago Skyway

14" x 21"

This to me is the entrance into the city of Chicago.  I am just leaving Indiana and heading into the city.....I love crossing this bridge.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

At the River-Chicago River

14" x 21"

Spring has finally come to Chicago.  It was such a lovely day on Sunday to be up in Chicago.  I took sooooo many photos.  Time to paint....but I think I will sleep first....see you in that am.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Midnight at the Marina

14" x 21"

Here is a painting of Chicago.  I will be doing a lot of Chicago scenes.  I went up to Chicago with my dear hubby on Sunday and I shot 574 photos.  Thank God we do not have to use film anymore and we can print the ones that we want at our own convenience in our own homes.  WE have come a long way baby!!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Purple Passion

watercolor 14" x 21"

Here's a step by step of the painting that I painted today.
I spent 4 hours in the gardens cleaning out the leaves and 
getting them prepped for spring planting that I will begin
around May 15. Don't want to plant too early.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Summer Upon the Porch

14" x 21"

Getting ready for spring and summer....ever though we had 4" of snow the other day....oh my!!  Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Rainy Days Chicago

14" x 21"

It's raining in this painting, but as I am looking out my window on this April 15th, there is a blanket of snow on the ground.  My poor tulips that are beginning to grow.  It was about 75 on Saturday.  Oh my.  Crazy weather.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Harry Caray's - Chicago

15" x 10"

You do not need to go to a ball game to come and eat here....Great announcer...RIP Harry Caray.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Chicago Biking

14" x 21"

These bikes are ready and waiting for all of us to come and see Chicago...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Winter demo II

14" x 21"

Here is another demo that I did for one of my classes back in March.  So nice not to see all of that white stuff.  The grass is beginning to green up, flowers are beginning to sprout up.  The snow was nice at that time....look comes the flowers.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Winter demo

14" x 21"

Demo that I did for one of my classes back at the beginning of March.  I will catch up and get these all posted.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Drive Along the Lake

10" x 15"

This is a road right along Lake Michigan in Beverly Shores, Indiana.  enjoy!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Puddle or Pothole?

10" x 15"

In Indiana during the winter we end up with these potholes from the snow removal and the salt.  So when you see water standing you have to it a puddle or a pothole.

Indiana National Lakeshore

11" x 15"

I didn't realize how far behind I am on posting my paintings...I will try to catch up.  lol