Monday, October 27, 2014

Fall on the Farm

14" x 21"

After going to out to take photos last week, I came back to the studio and painted this farm scene.  I was trying a different brand of paint and some of their new colors.  The actual painting has more orange colors in it.  May shoot this one again.

Today we went out taking photos so I have so many things to paint right now....I need more time, a house keeper, someone to cook and do laundry, someone to help with all of the leaves, a bookkeeper,  you get the idea...I need some free time to paint.  lol.  

Have a great week.  k

Saturday, October 18, 2014

More Mill Shaoes

7" x 11"

so much industry in my many paintings that I want to paint.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Water on the Rocks

7" x 10"

Just a little study of rocks...this one I am going to keep and frame up for my collection.  Sometimes we just want to keep one for ourselves.  enjoy.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sailboat Blues

14" x 21"

Oppz...Just realized that I have not posted on my blog since last month.  I have been painting.  Really busy here.  I am now part of a gallery called White Ripple Gallery that is in Hammond, Indiana.  Above the gallery on the second floor are artists studios.  I have rented one of them and I call it "Studio 2."  This Friday is the ribbon cutting with the mayor of the city and then on Saturday is a big party.  The address is 6725 Kennedy Ave, Hammond, IN. We have so much planned for that day.  7-10 p,m  If you live close by, come on and check us out.  You will be glad that you did.

Heading to the studio to do some the way...did I fail to mention the last few days I have been baking us a storm of cookies for the opening :))