Saturday, January 24, 2015

INDUSTRY-Power....season's of farming-winter

10" x 14"

there are 3 in this mini series on the industry of farming.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Season's of Farm Industry

10" x 14"

I am so busy painting and framing for my solo show that opens Feb. 14 at White Ripple Gallery that I forget to post the new paintings on here.  Will catch up....

Saturday, January 17, 2015

INDUSTRY - Power /Seasons of Farming

10" x 14"

For my solo show on Industry, I thought...why not the industry of farming.  enjoy!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

State Line Energy is Coming Down

14" x 21"

I have been busy getting ready for a show that I am in at the White Ripple Gallery that is in Hammond, In.  It opens on February 14.  The theme of my show is
 So I have been painting for that but I have not been able to post them.  I was also tagged in the painting challenge that was/is going on in Facebook Land.  You are challenged to post 3 paintings for 5 days.  I have completed and tagged other artists and now I am done with that.  Keep watching here for my Industry paintings.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Post Cards from Chicago - Alley Shapes

10" x 14"

This is a typical scene in Chicago.  The top one was the first attempt and them I challenged myself to paint looser.   I do not think I painted it too much looser. Oh well.  It was fun to do.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Heading to the Field-Soldier -- Chicago

14" x 14"

This is a walk way to Soldier Field in Chicago.   People are going to see the Bears play football.  It was not a good year for the team this season...oh well...maybe 2015.

Happy New Year all my artist friends...may this year be the year of many masterpieces !!