Friday, February 27, 2015


14" x 21"

Just a mile from my house.  We did get more of that white stuff last night.  Hurry up spring.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Winter's Sun

14" x 21"

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

By Land and By Lake

22" x 30"

Another in my Industry exhibit.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Industry-Bird's Eye View

10" x 14"

Another in my Industry-Power exhibit.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

I've Been Working on the R-Crane

21" x 14"

This is in my Industry show.  It is actually my husband and owner of the R-Crane Company.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

By Land and by Lake

22" x 30"

Another in my Industry Exhibit.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Tanks to Industry- Amoco

10" x 14"

My Show opened on Saturday and it was a blast.  Lots of people came out on this cold, windy night.  There were lake effects so those that lived closer to the lake experienced white outs...those are scary.  My show is up at White Ripple Gallery in Hammond, IN until March 31.

Friday, February 13, 2015

It's a Blast

10" x 14"

My show is one day away from the opening....

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Industrial Skyline

22" x 30"

ok, my show is all hung (24 paintings all on Industry).  Now for the last minute things to get done.  Baking and prepping lots of food so come on by...Feb. 14, 7-10 pm @ White Ripple Gallery, 6725 Kennedy Ave, Hammond, IN 46319.  I am behind on posting so I will be getting all my new paintings on here for your viewing enjoyment :))  My Studio 2 will also be open with a variety of subject matter all in watercolor. Hope to see you there.

My dvds, cookbooks and aprons are also available in my studio.

Take it easel !!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Steel Mills

Steel Mills
7" x 10"

Continuing on with my collection on INDUSTRY.  The show is complete and delivered.  It opens on Feb. 14 at White Ripple Gallery, 6725 Kennedy Ave, Hammond, IN. 7-10.  

Glad I got all of this done ahead of time.  I did want to complete 25 paintings but I did manage 23.  Been down with a bout of the flu for a week.  Never been that down.  As they say....the show must go on....