Friday, September 30, 2016

Insights on Industry

14" x 21"

This is one of my two entries that was accepted into the Chesterton Art Comp Juried Bi-Annual show, Chesterton, IN

It also won an award.    This is a typical scene in the area where I live.  I live close to Lake Michigan here in Indiana.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Plums II

12" x 12"

This is a watercolor of a tree that is my neighbors.  Early in the Spring the blossoms were so pretty.  Every morning I would wake up to this lovely scene of blossoms and then when the fruit came in....they, too, were so lovely.  I wonder how they tasted.  Jodi did make me some jelly from her cherry trees.  

I just entered this into a show.  Hope it gets in....

Monday, September 19, 2016

Yelow Lily

7" x 10"

Last lilies of the season.... enjoy.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Insights on Industry XVI

8" x 14"

This was a barge that I saw in Joliet, Illinois and thought I would add it to my Industry series.

I am getting my Industry paintings together for my October show at South Shore Art - Crown Point, IN.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Insights on Industry XV

8" x 14"

Painting along with my series on Industry.  Today I went out and shot 200 photos on Industry.  They are not great photos ... I am not a photographer.  But they will make great references for future for them...I have another show on Industry coming soon in Crown Point, Indiana....

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Insights on Industry XIV

8" x 14"

Getting ready for a show that I will be doing with photographer, Mathew Kaplan, in Crown Point, Indiana.  It will be a show on Industry....more info to come.....

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Insights on Industry - Blue Umbrellas at the Pier

8" x 14"

saw these cool umbrellas at Navy Pier and thought it might make a neat painting for my Chicago series.