Saturday, March 31, 2018

Reflection demo for one of my classes


One of my students was having some trouble with reflections so I tried to simplify it for her by doing a little quick demo.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Indiana Ruins

10" x 14"

There are many beautiful old barns in this area of Indiana....So then you use a photo of an old wagon that you shot at another farm, change the season and colors and you come up with a totally different scene.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Lake Michigan - Along the Pier

14" x 21"

A nice relaxing evening at the Pier.  

Friday, March 23, 2018

Fourth Presbyterian Church Courtyard

14" x 21"

This is a really neat Church in Chicago and the courtyard is so lovely.  enjoy.  Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Changing Ties - R-Crane

14" x 21"

The CEO of R-Crane bought this as soon as he saw it...Thanks Paul.  He invited this process of how to change rails on train bridges....I can't imagine how he designed all this equipment.  I was fortunate enough to go on sight to view this.  Really amazing.  I have an open invitation to come anytime they are changing rails on bridges to draw and photograph. I will wait till it is a bit warmer.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Urban Neighborhood

14" x 21"

On the way home from the city via the toll road.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Another Snowy Day

14" x 21"

Hurry up spring.  I want flowers, birds, sunshine and definitely warmer days !!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Wood's Mill at Deep River

11" x 14"

One of my favorite places to paint anytime of the year....But I wish spring would hurry up here in the Midwest.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Golden Arches - Chicago

14" x 21"

Typical dwellings of Chicago.  I would love to see what these homes look inside.  There is definitely NOT enough yard for my gardens....and there is NO where to park.  But I love the city.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Chicago Blues

14" x 21"

A Typical street scene in Chicago...

Glass at the Pier

13" x 17"

Navy Pier in Chicago had on exhibit this wonderful collection of stained glass.  I loved walking through the halls admiring the stained glass.  They did some renovating of the pier and these pieces were removed.  I am sure they were just on lease for a certain amount of time.  Actually it was a  pretty long, but then they were gone....left are memories.