Saturday, April 28, 2018

Spring Blossoms III

10" x 14"

Here's No. III in my little series of spring blossoms.  Watch....more flower paintings will be coming.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Spring Blossoms II

10" x 14"

When I open my window blinds in the morning (very late morning), in the spring this is what I see from my window.  This is from one of my neighbor's trees.  It is so pretty.  Just wish it would last longer than it does.  But fruit is good too.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Spring Blossoms

10" x 14"

I am all ready for Spring here in Indiana....Hurry up and get here!!

Saturday, April 21, 2018


14" x 21"

One of the first flowers that you will see here in Indiana (near Chicago) is this bush that is called Forsythia.  They are a bright yellow flower. The sad part of spring flowers is that they do not last long....but they are such a joy to see after a long cold winter.

Today it was finally a bit warmer so I was able to clean out the gazebo and the deck....I am getting ready to start the gardening.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Lunch Time Meeting at the Pier


Navy Pier in Chicago is one of my favorite places to visit.  There is always something happening there.  It is a great place to people watch.  Come on down to the pier, many places to eat...jump on a boat for a trip to see  the city.  You can also grab the Big Bus and tour the city all day.  My kind of town.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Last Day of Winter

14" x 21"

It was a good winter.  In 2016 we hardly got any snow.  But, in 2017 we were blest quite a bit with that white fluffy stuff.  I do not mean Marshmallow fluff either. It is what every artist hopes for.  I was able to go out a few times to take lots of photos.  Here it is almost the middle of April and we may get some snow this weekend.  The good thing about snow at this time of year is that it melts really fast.  Right now it is raining. April showers....bring May flowers.  They are for them.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Going to Pot

10" x 14"
still life

Spring huh?  Not here in Indiana yet.  Can't wait for it to get warmer so that I can go and clean out the garden beds.  I am beginning to see some green things popping through the leaves...

Saturday, April 7, 2018


10" x 14"

Can't wait till the end of May/June to start getting these gardens back to being beautiful and colorful.  I spend a lot of time gardening and it offers me lots of inspiration.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Sunset Sky Demo

14" x 21"

The students in my Wednesday evening class wanted to work on sunset skys.   This is the demo that I did for them.