Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Falls

14" x 21"

 One of the local art groups that I belong to is currently having an exhibit titled, "Small, Medium & Large."   The shows are at three different venues with openings on different nights.  the first one is this Saturday, Nov. 3 at the Promise You Art House in Highland, Indiana. I had my 3 entries accepted into this exhibit.  That is the Small show...

 This painting is one of the pieces that was accepted into the Large show.  That opening is at Wildrose on Nov.17.  The Medium show is Nov. 10 and that is at Sip II.  Lots happening at this time of year here in Indiana, near Chicago.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

One-color class demos


these were some demos that I did for my classes way back in Sept.  I have been really busy these last few months and I didn't get to blog...Oh My...I am so sorry.

I took down my watercolor's from the exhibit "Along the Lake Shore" at the Indiana Visitor's center.  I had 48 framed paintings in this show.  It was my best show yet.  Videos are on my FB page of my Chicago paintings and my paintings of Industry.  I sold 5 framed pieces and 3 matted pieces, some cards, and one is on lay away for Christmas :))  It was awesome and I have so many great memories from this exhibit.

Then I was busy getting ready for another show that will start November 2 in Michigan City, IN.  I will post more about my next show in my next post.  but I took on a small Works Challenge so I created 16 paintings that will be a part of this next show.....stay tuned...