Wednesday, February 27, 2019

"Old Town - Chicago"

14" x 16"

One of my favorite places in Chicago is Old town.  Since I am a baby boomer back in the 60's, 70's this was such a booming place.  Since this was the hippie generation this was a great place to hang out.  There were coffee shops, places to listen to music, all kinds of foods were available.  You were able to go to the bead shop for a selection of beads to make your necklaces.  You can even still find MOOD rings there.  There  are all kinds of little shops.  I loved the wax museum they used to have, too..  

After all of these years so much has changed.  But, I am happy to say, there is a lot of that same flavor still to be found in the NEW Old Town.  Go on check it out...get some beads, go to Zannies for some comedy, have something to eat, walk down the streets of memory lane.

Thanks Old town for staying alive.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Come Take a Ride

14" x 21"

I love the carriage rides in the city of Chicago....however, I hadn't seen them for quite some time.  But it was really exciting to see them during the Christmas Holidays.  There were a few buggies around the Water Tower.   I loved how the Water Tower was lit up, really created a warm glowing kind of town....Chicago is.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Another Train bridge

14" x 21"

These bridges are really fascinating when you get a chance to see one up close.  It is amazing how they work.  I never realized how many there are in my area...this is a train bridge so when a  boat needs to go by, they raise the bridge so that the boat or barge can go under it.  Then it comes back down so that the trains can continue on their way.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Towering Up - Chicago

21" x 14"

On one of my visits to Chicago I looked up and saw the neatest window...

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Purples of winter

14" x 21"

People always think that snow is white  Well, not always.  It is a reflection of the sky so you see so many paintings painted with blue snow and shadows  Then in my world, since I have an artistic license ,I even paint them in purple and teal.  Add one of these to your collection  :))

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Another winter Sunset...trying a different medium

8" x 24"

My regular watercolor students have been with me for years now...I guess I make good coffee (and I am sure the desserts that I make are a good draw, too).  So I thought what the heck, let's try some acrylic.  I have been playing with these for a few years for little workshops.  I haven't done any serious painting in them for myself yet.  I am just always wanting to paint in watercolor.  I must say,  I do paint these in glazes just like in watercolor.  They have been surprisingly fun for all of us.  I know I enjoyed coming up with the samples and then I do enjoy teaching them. I forgot to mention that I have great students

On February 17 and Feb. 24 I will be teaching 2 workshops on how to paint the above  Indiana acrylic landscape.  Sorry but both classes are full.  It will be exciting for all of us because this is really a unique size.  It is a stretched canvas so they can just hang them on their wall.  I am sure if they decide to frame these, they would have to get a custom frame.  I never framed an oil or an acrylic yet....gonna find out how.

take it easel...K

Monday, February 11, 2019

Sunset Snow

11" x 15"

This is from one of our snow days here in Indiana.  Some people like to move away from the warm weather to get away from this ....  if I moved, I would truly miss this.  I so enjoy painting snow scenes.  I do not need a lot of snow...but I do like a nice light blanket of it. When it snows, you can find me some where with my cameras.  It was such a day yesterday so out I went...Only thing, when I got home, I was viewing my photos on the computer.  I thought I had black and white film in my digital cameras since everything was so gray.  Good thing I have an artistic license because I can change that and I can add all of the color that I wish.  

Stay warm.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Hidden in the Woods

14" x 21"

I guess I got tired of the snow and cold weather so I decided to paint a summer scene.  Now I am even colder since I want spring to come....

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Heading Up to the City

11" x 15"

this is one of the newer bridges that you can see on your way up to Chicago from Indiana.  I do love going up there often.

Same Bridge, Different Day, Different View

11" x 14"

Another bridge I found in Chicago and I love passing by this area....

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Under the Bridge

11" x 15"

Thought it was time to do a few bridges....I guess I am bridging out.