Monday, June 17, 2019

Inland Steel

14" x 21"

Just a local scenes of one of the local steel mills...Inland Steel.  Now it is called Mittal.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

China and Lace

14" x 21"
still life

In memory of one of my favorite antique shops that recently closed.  It needed a lot of renovation to get it back to code.  Hopefully when they are done working on the building they will reopen as an antique shop.  It was 3 floors filled with antique finds.  Great STUFF for still lifes..  It would be nice if they add an elevator to this store/building.  They just better not tare it down and put up a parking lot....

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Yellow Lily

11" x 15"

Just a little something from my garden.....I am still planting my gardens but they are slowly getting there and starting to look good...can't wait till I am done so that I can sit and enjoy them and yes, paint them.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Come and Sit a Spell

14" x 21"

I have been really busy planting my gardens for this summer.  Lots of hard work and the older I get it does get harder and takes maybe I will enjoy them more.
I still have more to plant....then comes taking care of them.

Also...then comes painting them.  I can't wait.  Watch for them.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Hydrangea at Deep River

11" x 15"

It's been crazy here.  I had the virus that most people in my area also had.  It was 5 weeks.  Then at the same time I was getting ready for my new Industrial Exhibit.  That is all hung, we had the opening and it will be up till July 11.  The show is at the Pine's Village Gallery in Valparaiso, Indiana.

At the opening I gave a watercolor demo of some tulips.  One lucky person won the demonstration painting.  We had bad weather scheduled for the day, but there was a good number in attendance with only 4 seats open.

Taught a workshop tonight of pansies in watercolor on watercolor canvas.  Good students, working hard.