Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Nature's Still Life

14" x 21"

Oh My!!  I haven't posted on my blog all of Dec.  It was a crazy month...i had that bug that my students thought I should have so that I would take it easy.  lol.  Then came getting ready for Christmas...As I get older, I am finding that I move slower and things take longer to get done.  But I managed to get the house decorated, all the cards calligraphied with personal messages, I baked 14 different kinds of cookies with multiple batches of some (my freezer is full), got all the gifts bought and wrapped...

I made it through the holiday and watched about 30+ Hallmark movies while I was getting the above done. I am finally back in the studio and I recently painted 4 new watercolors.  Will be posting those soon..

Here's a wish that you all follow your hearts in 2020, be kind to one another, do what you love and love what you do.  May many blessings of health and happiness follow you.   Keep your friendships alive since time is too short not to. 

Peace and Love,  Kathy