Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Nature's Still Life

14" x 21"

Oh My!!  I haven't posted on my blog all of Dec.  It was a crazy month...i had that bug that my students thought I should have so that I would take it easy.  lol.  Then came getting ready for Christmas...As I get older, I am finding that I move slower and things take longer to get done.  But I managed to get the house decorated, all the cards calligraphied with personal messages, I baked 14 different kinds of cookies with multiple batches of some (my freezer is full), got all the gifts bought and wrapped...

I made it through the holiday and watched about 30+ Hallmark movies while I was getting the above done. I am finally back in the studio and I recently painted 4 new watercolors.  Will be posting those soon..

Here's a wish that you all follow your hearts in 2020, be kind to one another, do what you love and love what you do.  May many blessings of health and happiness follow you.   Keep your friendships alive since time is too short not to. 

Peace and Love,  Kathy

Sunday, November 17, 2019

17" x 17"

Having some fun with this format and size.  As soon as I showed this one to the owner of Hoosier Highlander (Renee Rosignol) she bought it.  Since Hoosier Highlander is a local Frame, Art Supply and Stationery Store in Highland,  I couldn't wait to see how she would frame it.  I like what she picked.  If you live locally, go and check it out.  Tell her I sent you,.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Pumpkin Patch

17" x 17"

After a fun day in the country and out on a hay ride, I was able to check out the pumpkins and take some photos of them.  Thought I would start painting some of them.

Thursday, October 31, 2019


17" x 17"

Nothing like painting silk sunflowers.  These are actually pens that I made for my students.  We were painting sunflowers at the beginning of October and they did a great job so they were given a little treat...enjoy.   Happy Fall...Today is Halloween and it is actually snowing and it is all white.  I am sure the trick or treaters will still be out.  Nothing will stop anyone from getting chocolate.  At least the snow will make it lighter out this dark night.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Mini Fall Seriews

5" x 7"

I recently finished a winter mini series which includes 40  -   5" x 7" so now I decided to work on a fall series.  It probably won't contain 40 watercolors....watch and see.

Thursday, October 10, 2019



It's sad to see that the flowers are ending their season....  but to everything, there is a time.
Thanks for your beauty this summer.  I look forward to planting more of you next spring.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Warmth of Fall

15" x 28"

Fall is in the air...soon the leaves will be changing colors and begin to fall....It's time for a new color palette.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Chicago Street Shadows

14" x 21"

The Streets of Chicago are so interesting....from the people who you see walking them to the shadows created by the "L" trains above.  My Kind of Town.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Water Tower - Chicago

14" x 21"

This is the Chicago Water Tower.  It actually survived the Chicago Fire.  Come see the city.  The buildings are so beautiful.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Court Yard at 4th Presbyterian

14" x 21"

this is a really pretty area in Chicago at the 4th Presbyterian Church...it is so peaceful here and all are invited.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

14" x 21"

Meet me at the Marina

14" x 21"

a few of the Hammond Marina from one of the local casinos.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Mail, Coming and Going

10" x 14"

I saw these mail boxes this summer and I thought...with everyone using e-mail, there are less people taking the time to send a card or write a letter.  So I added a few letters that I wrote and I suggest that you take the time and write someone a REAL letter.  You will be glad you did and they will love it even more.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Pugh Ladle


My dad worked at Inland Steel here in Indiana like ...forever.  He worked in the transportation department.  He frequently talked about these train cars.  I thought they were unique and fascinating. 

My dad has long passed away, but the thought of these train cars stayed with me.  I have been on a quest to find one to photograph and paint for years....finally I have found one.  Here is a shared memory.  This car is heading into Illinois to make steel.  Industry lives on.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

It's an Indiana Blast


When I just posted the last post I realized I already posted that photo of my journal page.  But I liked the copy so I kept it on my blog.  I am adding this next painting...this is a local scene that I see daily...  love this area here in Indiana.  There is so much subject matter everywhere.  I call it my artist paradise.

journal page

still life

Recently I joined an on-line journal group on social media.  It's been a lot of fun.  So much so that I also taught a class about journaling this summer.  We all enjoyed it and I learned at the same time.  It was an opportunity for all of us to try new media and to be creative and free at the same time.

It also rekindled my love for fountain pens and the written word.  Having gone to the big pen show in Chicago back it May I won't tell you how many new writing instruments I have added to my collection...Not that I don't want you to know how many....I just don't know that number.  I am going to figure out a system to keep track of them.  I did work on a system of all of the ink that I own. The PEN WORLD is a wonderful place to visit.  Once you go, you do not come back...It's PEN-tastic.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Inland Steel

14" x 21"

I can't believe how fast time has been flying....i have been busy with a big solo show on Industry which was a success...I sold 7 paintings.  Then I had the out door fair which was ok, but definitely not the right weekend for an art fair.  It was in the 90's on Saturday, in the evening there were big winds, and on Sunday big rains came.  The area I was set up in flooded and I thought I would not find my husband in the water.  lol.  I did get the paintings to the car in a nick of time.  I was just drenched,  The new tent survived. Rain is not good for watercolors..  It was the 45th show and I was in all of the 45 shows.  May have to rethink next year.  

I did win second in 2-D art so that always is nice.

So I am behind on posting my paintings .. I will catch up...(Ketchup :)

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Ink, Pens , Eraser

jstill life

Been teaching a new class..
A journal class.  Something new to me.  It was a lot of fun showing different techniques and ideas for a journal.  The gals that took the 4 week class enjoyed themselves and they plan to continue working this summer on their journals and then when they come back in the fall they want to continue working on them in class.  My book is almost completed.  Will have to start another one.

That is my new Italian fountain pen that I purchased in Chicago.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Inland Steel

14" x 21"

Just a local scenes of one of the local steel mills...Inland Steel.  Now it is called Mittal.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

China and Lace

14" x 21"
still life

In memory of one of my favorite antique shops that recently closed.  It needed a lot of renovation to get it back to code.  Hopefully when they are done working on the building they will reopen as an antique shop.  It was 3 floors filled with antique finds.  Great STUFF for still lifes..  It would be nice if they add an elevator to this store/building.  They just better not tare it down and put up a parking lot....

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Yellow Lily

11" x 15"

Just a little something from my garden.....I am still planting my gardens but they are slowly getting there and starting to look good...can't wait till I am done so that I can sit and enjoy them and yes, paint them.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Come and Sit a Spell

14" x 21"

I have been really busy planting my gardens for this summer.  Lots of hard work and the older I get it does get harder and takes longer...so maybe I will enjoy them more.
I still have more to plant....then comes taking care of them.

Also...then comes painting them.  I can't wait.  Watch for them.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Hydrangea at Deep River

11" x 15"

It's been crazy here.  I had the virus that most people in my area also had.  It was 5 weeks.  Then at the same time I was getting ready for my new Industrial Exhibit.  That is all hung, we had the opening and it will be up till July 11.  The show is at the Pine's Village Gallery in Valparaiso, Indiana.

At the opening I gave a watercolor demo of some tulips.  One lucky person won the demonstration painting.  We had bad weather scheduled for the day, but there was a good number in attendance with only 4 seats open.

Taught a workshop tonight of pansies in watercolor on watercolor canvas.  Good students, working hard.

Sunday, May 12, 2019


11" x 15"

Happy Mother's Day everyone.  Keep those memories of mom alive.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Power Plant

14" x 21"

Ventured into Illinois to find this power plant.  Do you feel the energy?

Thursday, May 2, 2019


14" x 21"

I was facilitated by the design of the power lines and poles. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


11" x 15"

spring is here and I am definitely ready for it.  We had snow over the weekend.  What the heck was that all about....Maybe in another week or two.  think spring.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Ink in Love

11" x 15"
still life

More of my pens and stationery supplies.

Ink in Bloom

11" x 15"
still life

I love pens... A Lot !   So I thought I would paint some of mine.....Time to go and write a letter....enjoy.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

A Pair of Pens

11" x 15"

I love pens....especially fountain pens.  Yes I am a pen collector.  Right after I graduated from art school, my first job was as a commercial artist at Paper Mate Pen at the Merchandise Mart in Chicago.  I bought my first real good fountain pen around 1976 (that;s a long time ago...oh my!!).  I still have that pen it works and I still use it with teal ink.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

cooking Maple Syrup


In March it is Maple Syrup Time.  This is at Deep River Park in Hobart Indiana.  It is always fun to watch...sorry I am a bit behind posting my new paintings.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

still Viewing the City

21" x 14"

while in the city of Chicago this winter I was able to catch one of the buggies....great way to see the city but you won't get far fast.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Paint it With Words


My love for pens has taken me into a new direction....first I cleaned out my fountain pens and then I started a series of watercolors with my pens.  Take time out to write a friend a letter....

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Pen Pals

still life

New series of my favorite things....I love pens and anything related to them.  I still am old school and I love to send cards (I have my own line of greeting cards) and I still send thank you notes.  In fact, I have even sent a thank you note for a thank you note.  take note people....send Thank You Notes !!

Monday, April 1, 2019

On the Way to Work

11" x 15"

This is another train bridge that we can across.  I didn't realize that there were so many in my area.  They're everywhere.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Chicago Buggy Ride"

14" x 17"

this used to be a common scene in Chicago.  I especially loved seeing the buggies in the summer.  It added that extra special romance to the city.  Now they just do this around the winter holidays and you can mostly see them around Water Tower.....the memories still life on in my mind.

"Safe in Chicago"

21" x 14"

extra stairways for emergency access. 

Monday, March 18, 2019


15" x 10"

A typical blast furnace  in one of the mills.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Hooked on Industry

15" x 11"

Getting ready for my next show which will be in May at the Pine Village Retirement Facilities in Valparaiso Indiana.  They have a really nice gallery and they asked me to do an Industrial exhibit.  Sounds like a plan to me.  

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Industrial Stacks

14" x 21"

Getting ready for an Industrial show that I will be having in May/June in Valparaiso, Indiana.  the painting in this show will depict Industry in the Calumet Region.  More info to follow.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

A Street in Chicago"

14" x21"

Hopefully we will be done with the snow....we are all waiting for spring....

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

"Old Town - Chicago"

14" x 16"

One of my favorite places in Chicago is Old town.  Since I am a baby boomer back in the 60's, 70's this was such a booming place.  Since this was the hippie generation this was a great place to hang out.  There were coffee shops, places to listen to music, all kinds of foods were available.  You were able to go to the bead shop for a selection of beads to make your necklaces.  You can even still find MOOD rings there.  There  are all kinds of little shops.  I loved the wax museum they used to have, too..  

After all of these years so much has changed.  But, I am happy to say, there is a lot of that same flavor still to be found in the NEW Old Town.  Go on check it out...get some beads, go to Zannies for some comedy, have something to eat, walk down the streets of memory lane.

Thanks Old town for staying alive.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Come Take a Ride

14" x 21"

I love the carriage rides in the city of Chicago....however, I hadn't seen them for quite some time.  But it was really exciting to see them during the Christmas Holidays.  There were a few buggies around the Water Tower.   I loved how the Water Tower was lit up, too...it really created a warm glowing mood....my kind of town....Chicago is.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Another Train bridge

14" x 21"

These bridges are really fascinating when you get a chance to see one up close.  It is amazing how they work.  I never realized how many there are in my area...this is a train bridge so when a  boat needs to go by, they raise the bridge so that the boat or barge can go under it.  Then it comes back down so that the trains can continue on their way.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Towering Up - Chicago

21" x 14"

On one of my visits to Chicago I looked up and saw the neatest window...

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Purples of winter

14" x 21"

People always think that snow is white  Well, not always.  It is a reflection of the sky so you see so many paintings painted with blue snow and shadows  Then in my world, since I have an artistic license ,I even paint them in purple and teal.  Add one of these to your collection  :))

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Another winter Sunset...trying a different medium

8" x 24"

My regular watercolor students have been with me for years now...I guess I make good coffee (and I am sure the desserts that I make are a good draw, too).  So I thought what the heck, let's try some acrylic.  I have been playing with these for a few years for little workshops.  I haven't done any serious painting in them for myself yet.  I am just always wanting to paint in watercolor.  I must say,  I do paint these in glazes just like in watercolor.  They have been surprisingly fun for all of us.  I know I enjoyed coming up with the samples and then I do enjoy teaching them. I forgot to mention that I have great students

On February 17 and Feb. 24 I will be teaching 2 workshops on how to paint the above  Indiana acrylic landscape.  Sorry but both classes are full.  It will be exciting for all of us because this is really a unique size.  It is a stretched canvas so they can just hang them on their wall.  I am sure if they decide to frame these, they would have to get a custom frame.  I never framed an oil or an acrylic yet....gonna find out how.

take it easel...K

Monday, February 11, 2019

Sunset Snow

11" x 15"

This is from one of our snow days here in Indiana.  Some people like to move away from the warm weather to get away from this ....  if I moved, I would truly miss this.  I so enjoy painting snow scenes.  I do not need a lot of snow...but I do like a nice light blanket of it. When it snows, you can find me some where with my cameras.  It was such a day yesterday so out I went...Only thing, when I got home, I was viewing my photos on the computer.  I thought I had black and white film in my digital cameras since everything was so gray.  Good thing I have an artistic license because I can change that and I can add all of the color that I wish.  

Stay warm.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Hidden in the Woods

14" x 21"

I guess I got tired of the snow and cold weather so I decided to paint a summer scene.  Now I am even colder since I want spring to come....

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Heading Up to the City

11" x 15"

this is one of the newer bridges that you can see on your way up to Chicago from Indiana.  I do love going up there often.