Friday, February 28, 2020

Paper and Ink

9" x 12"
still life

Here are some of my favorite things.  I love paint, brushes inks and pens....actually writing know, fountain pens.
When did you last use a fountain pen?

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Left Alone III

10" x 14"

this is the third and final painting of this barn...for this season...for this little mini series.  enjoy...stay warm....there is a rumor going around that spring is on it's would never know it with the snow that we have...

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

"Left Along II"

10" x 14"

Here's another view of that neat barn that was in my last post.  enjoy.....

It's been snowing today and tonight....May have a chance to get out and take some more photos.

Monday, February 24, 2020

"Left Alone"

10" x 14"

I ran across this old run down little barn structure.  I thought it was pretty neat and had a lot of character.  Fortunately this year I cane across it again.  I probably won't be able to find it if I wanted to see it and take more photos.  But the first time I found this little gem, it was fall.  Here it is in the winter.  I will try to find it in the summer.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Ready to Ride

10" x 14"

It looks like these horses are having a bad hair day.  Maybe this is their hat for the winter. I took this photo reference a few years ago here in Indiana.  I was finally inspired to paint it...just horsing around.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

"Another Winter Sunset"

10" x 14"

Winter is a great time here in Indiana to catch some really amazing sunsets...We had just the right amount of snow...Not too much, but enough to get some really cool photos and to be really inspired.  enjoy.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

"Sunset From the Other Evening"

10" x 14"

It's been a mild winter so far and we did have snow but not that much of it.  I think it was just the right amount.  I was able to go out and take a lot of for the snow scenes that I will be painting.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

"A Model A"

14" x 21"

This car actually belongs to a friend of mine.  He bought it when he was in high school as a junker to work on.  He is now 72 and the car is completed... I love going to the car shows and seeing old classics.  Enjoy...

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Lunchtime Memories

21" x 14"

Some friends of mine opened up this neat cafe'.  It was an older house that was converted into their restaurant.  It had this neat wrap around porch.  I had many meals here.  They sold the property to the city and the city recently tore it down.  I think they plan to develop it into more housing...too bad.  It was quaint.

"Crossing Over to Work" Chicago

11" x 21"

We have a lot of bridges here in Chicago because of the Chicago River.  To me, that is one of the main attractions of the city.  My first job after attending the American Academy of Art-Chgo. was at the Merchandise Mart where I worked as a commercial artist for Paper Mate Pen.  I still have my first PaperMate pen since 1973.  So did my love for pens evolve from working for PaperMate,Pen or did I want to work there since I loved pens.

My office was on the fourth floor and my window was facing the Chicago River....what a was a big window.  

Friday, February 14, 2020

Riding Among the Trees

10" x 14"

During the fall I walked the path of Oakridge Prairie...  It was a lovely fall day...

This is a local area that has a lot of inspiration to motivate me to paint.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Working from Home

12" x 21"

Living close to Lake Michigan there is so much Industry along the lake shore.  It is typical to see a scene like this....This is part of Amoco Refinery.  It's not actually in the backyard of this person's home, but this is their daily view....I wonder if anyone in this family was employed here..

So many people that I know made a good living by working Indiana Mills..  My husband is still at it and he loves what he does....

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Take the "L" to Atlas-Chicago

12" x 18"

I met the fine folks of this really neat stationery /pen store last May at the Chicago Pen Show.  I had to check them out.  It was love at first sight.  I loved their variety of pens, notebooks, inks, papers, cards, and a collection of other cool things.  I also fell in love with all the people working there. I have been back there a few times and have made great friends with the owners.  Yes, I have added more pens and pen cases to my collection.  Hummm Valentine's Day is coming....time for another pen?  "Dear Cupid..."

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Artist's Cafe

14" x 21"

This is a cafe that used to be in Chicago on Michigan Avenue.  I remember when I was a student at the American Academy of Art in the early 70's and passing this place almost daily.  I would think maybe after hours the master artists from the Art Institute would meet there in spirit and talk art.  

Unfortunately, it is no longer there.  After years of serving many people they recently closed.  I was happy that I had taken this photo when I did.  

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Different Angle of the River

21" x 14"

Went up one of the local buildings in Chicago to get some different views of the city.  Wished I still had my office at the Merchandise Mart.  I was facing the River and the view was perfect...great memories.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Opps! No Parking

14" x 21"

Saw this bike illegally parked in Chicago.  There was a garbage can in the scene, but I had to change that into a big flowers pot....Can't wait to see flowers.

Monday, February 3, 2020

"Side Street in Chicago"

18" x 21"

Just a typical day in Chicago....Take your car or take the elevated train...just be there.  You will love this city, I promise you.  

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Industrial Landscape

14" x 21"

This is a typical scene here in Indiana since I live along Lake Michigan.  We have many mills and factories in this area and it is referred to as "The Region," In the background you can see part of Amoco's Coaker.  I love seeing these structures alongside homes and businesses, It makes for interesting shapes and great contrasts.