Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Chicago's Waiting

14" x 21"

There's not a whole lot we can do these days.  But as an artist, i am working harder and I do more than ever.  These days are flying by.  One thing we can do is drive up to Chicago and take photos.  This works for me.  I ger to take reference photos for future paintings and my hubby gets to get out of the house for a while.  Unfortunately, there is no place we can go to sit and eat...except going through a drive thru and eating in our car....that we can do here.  

I took this photo just at the beginning of all of this....I never thought we would be confined to our homes this long.  When will this be over and how do we slowly resume "NORMAL" daily life.  There will definitely be a new normal.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Gazing at My Flowers

10" x 14"

These spring days have been cold, damp and rainy.  With that in mind, I decided to paint something that would put a smile on your face.  

This is a part of one of my gardens.  Here is where ferns, white and pink peonies grow.  There is this big box in the yard from the city so I always put a pot of flowers on it to make it pretty.  In front of this box I have Hostas and I plant annuals for a border of flowers along with a few pots of some pretty flowers.  I also have a birdbath in this area.  Next to this garden I have some lilies.

This year it will be interesting to see what I will be able to plant.  Maybe the green houses will do curbside service.

This painting I completed as a step-by-step instruction packet.  Want to paint in your home...just let me know.  Right now I have 21 different designs that are available in my step-by-step instructions.  Each packet is $15.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

To Brighten Your Day

14" x 10"

I know it is still early in the spring, but being locked in because of this virus really wants a gal to start planting flowers.  Hopefully it will get warmer soon and we can all go out and garden...Stay Well, Be Healthy.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Spring Snow

10" x 14"

Who would think we would be getting snow in the middle of April.  With all the uncertainty that is going on right now, it would be great if the weather would get to 70 so that we can all get out from being locked in.  At least it is sunny out today..  Have a great weekend... 

Friday, April 17, 2020


10" x 14"

Spring is here...but it is hiding.  We had a few warm days, but then...spring was over.  We are supposed to have a few inches of snow tonight and tomorrow... It's time for flowers and not for snow.  Stay well.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Try to Relax With Some Tea

10" x 14"
still life

During these challenging times, sometimes it is good to just sit back, relax and put it all in God's hands.  Take time to listen....He may have some new plans for your life.  Peace.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Time to Color the Eggs


I will  always remember coloring Easter Eggs when we were kids.  We made those marble ones.  My mom had us color between noon and 3 pm on Good Friday.  She told us we shouldn't talk because that is the time of day Christ died for us.   I think she did that so us kids wouldn't fight.  We probably did anyways...hey, we were kids.  Then we would go to Good Friday church service and had to be quiet there. 

This year no one is going to any church services this Passover and Easter....hope this will all pass, too.

Friday, April 10, 2020

In Remembrance of Him


"He came to save us," He will do it again.  This, too, shall pass.  

This is a painting that I did of my church Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Hammond, Indiana.  We have been members since 1976.  

Good Friday, feast day.  

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Water Reflections

14" x 10"

One of my students wanted to learn how to do reflections in the water...so I did this painting.  I also made one of my painting packets of this painting with step-by-step instructions.  If you are tired of being  locked in,  you can paint at home with my step-by-step packets.  E-mail me.

Take it easel....Kathy

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Forest

10" x 14"

Getting a bit dark and dramatic here...Maybe it is because of the times of uncertainty that we are going through right now....To me, I look at this as a peaceful painting.  As I paint during these times....this is exactly how I feel....Peaceful and Calm.  "This, too, shall pass".

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Railroad Structure

14"  x 10"

I love seeing this structure through the years and I decided to paint it.  Looks like some kind of grain mill.  It's a local building here in Indiana.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Memories of a Winter's Day

14" x 21"

I have to keep counting my blessings to make it through all that we are faced with right now.  I am happy to be an artist because I always love staying home and creating.  I am doing so much of that right now.  I'm also sanitizing everything and then treating myself to painting time.  I am also cooking and baking more.  We have to try our best to make it through this.  We may all be a few pounds heavier, but that will come off quickly.  I just wish it would warm up and the sun would come out so that we can all go out into the garden.  It is nice to see families taking walks together.  Stay well, wash your hands.  This, too, shall pass. Peace.