Tuesday, September 29, 2020

"Par for the Course"


13" x 19"


A photography friend of mine took this photo of one of our local golf courses.  I have never played golf other than miniature golf way back when.  I don't think they would want to see me on their course.  The other golfers would probably throw their clubs at me. Thanks to Pete Doherty for the use of his photo....Four !!

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Monday, September 28, 2020




10" x 14"


Came across this really cool farm during one of our rides in the country.  Probably will never be able to find this farm again.  I have never seen hay wrapped up in plastic like this.  It was very interesting. Was able to get some neat photos which will become paintings.  Watch for them.

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

"Modern Day Farming"


14" x 20"


These new fandangle farms are a sight to see.  You can't miss them because they are so new and shiny.   They have come a long way from the traditiional farming.  I bet there is a lot of technology involved.

I personally love an old lapidated falling down barn that conveys a lot of character.  They are such great subject matters and are so readily found where I live.

Currently in Highland, Indiana we are all trying to save Scheeringa Farmers llc.  It is a family owned farm that has been here for years.  The city wants to take the farm and put up senior living.  I am a senior so I guess I should be for this.  But NO....SAVE THE FARM.  So many people will lose so much if this happens.  They are a great family and they have a great business that needs to be saved. Help us .. Pray...

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Indiana Barn X


13" x 19"


It's a lovely day here today in Indiana.  The sun is shinning.  I sat in my gazebo today for a bit and was thinking of my barn series and what I would like to add to it.  Came up with a lot of ideas and will continue with them.  Will be doing more pen and ink drawing to go with this series so watch for them..

Have a great weekend.  Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Indiana Barn VIII


10" x 14"


Still traveling the country looking for barns of Indiana...sometimes I .even venture into Illinois.

Pretty soon you will be seeing some fall barns.  So time to get out some warm colors in my palette.

Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Indiana Barn VII


14" x 21"


It was a beautiful day as I was experiencing it from my car window,,,,The skys were  so pretty and the clouds put on a great show for us as we drove.

Pretty soon the crops will all be picked and fall will be just around the corner. Soon you will smell the scent of leaves burning in the air.

Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

"Indiana Barn II"


11" x 15"


Everywhere in Indiana there seems to be a barn somewhere waiting to be painted or to be captured in a painting.  I love to paint barns and rural scenes since I have photographed so many.  These structures are so exciting to me and I am fascinated thinking about what the life of a farmer is like.  Bet I couldn't survive one day.  They get up just when I am going to bed.  But I bet at the same time, they are wondering what it is like to be an artist.  

Stay Well.  Stay Strong,  Enjoy the rest of summer.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

"Barn Reflections"



I took this photo on one of my barn photo shoots.  I used my artistic license and added the water in the foreground.  It's fun to make things up and be creative.  We call this composition and design.  Enjoy.

Stay Well.  Be strong.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

"Skys of Indiana"


11" x 15"


It was a dramatic sky day when I took this photo....This is a grain elevator over some railroad tracks in Indiana.

Fall is just around the corner so we will be experiencing a whole new palette of colors and subjects...Fall is in the Air.

Stay We... Stay Strong.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

"The Great Escape"

10" x 14"

During times like these, sometimes it is good to just escape.  What is your favorite way to escape?

Stay Well and Be Strong.


Friday, September 4, 2020

Night Shift at the Pipe Mill

14" x 10"

This is one of my favorite mill places to check out.  It's on the drive over to our favorite ice cream shop.  I love it in the summer because the doors to this mill shop are all open and you can see the men working inside (maybe women, too).  In front of this building is a crane that my husband helped to wire...He's a crane guy.  lol.

Stay well.  Stay strong.  Have a great weekend...this last great weekend of summer and enjoy a safe holiday.

Scrap Yard

14" x 21"

While up in Chicago on one of my photo shoots, I came across a scene I have never seen before.  I will probably never find it again.  When i go up to Chicago or into the country to take photos,  never have a plan.  We just go where the car (and my hubby) wants to take us.  

This was a really cool spot and totally different to see...they sure were doing some recycling here.

Stay Well.  Stay Strong.