Saturday, October 31, 2020

Chicago Living- Summer

 9" x 12"

This started out as just a house in Chicago that was painted in a spring setting.  It evolved into a series of 4 houses, with one for each season.  The previous post was the first painting, Spring.  This is the second, Summer.  These will also be a set of my greeting cards.

I am currently doing a collection of pen and ink sketches with a fountain pen in this neat journal I bought years ago.  Who knows, I may share some here.

We get any extra hour to draw and paint tonight...yeah.  Here's to a great November everyone. 

 Stay Well and Stay Strong.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Chicago Living - Spring


9" x 12"


I decided to do a series showing living in Chicago during the four seasons.  These will probably be added to my Chicago Series.

Hope you all have a great weekend as we head into a new month.  Keep looking up.

Stay well and stay safe.  k

Monday, October 26, 2020

Fall at Island Park


19" x 14" 


We stumbled across Island Park in Illinois while we were out take photos for future paintings.  This place was really neat in the summer so I just mixed up my paints and turned it into a fall scene.  Happy Fall you all.

Stay Well.  Stay Safe.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Don't be Chicken


 9" x 12"


There's a local farm near me that has been there forever.  It's a family owned farm.  Now they want to get rid off the farm and put a 4  story retirement home on their property.  It is such a neat place in all the seasons. They even have a neat petting zoo and  I saw these and wanted to paint them.  We are all trying to save the farm.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Fall Farm


6-1/2" x 14-1/2"


Sharing more of Indiana during this fall season.  Starting to get a bit nippy today.....I hate to see summer go.  Hard to let go even if this was a weird summer.  But fall is really pretty.

stay well.  stay strong.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Punpkins Are Ready


6-1/2" x 14-1/2"


Besides all the barns that I get to see in my neck of the woods, I find equipment and exciting farm related objects.  Happy Fall Ya' All.

Stay Well. Stay Strong.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Fall Still Life II


6-1/2" x 14-1/2"

still life

More fall inspiration at Schreenga's Farm here in Highland, IN....we are praying to save the farm.  They want to take down this family farm that has been farmed by the family for years to put up a 3-story senior housing project.  Keep praying.

Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Fall Still Life (

6-1/2" x 14-1/2"
still life

Stopped by our local farm stand and picked up a few props for some still life painting.  Also bought some great corn and veggies. Fall is in the air...Happy first day of October.  Where did summer go?  did we have a summer.  All I remember are some beautiful days, lots of new paintings, rides in the went by too fast.  Hopefully this whole virus thing will pass by and we can go on with our lives.

Stay well.  Stay strong.