Sunday, November 29, 2020

Path Through the Corn

 10" x 14"

another local view of Indiana in the fall...we have lots of corn and soy beans.  The land is pretty flat out here.

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Fall in Love With Fall

 10" x 14"

 I have no idea where time is going but it is going fast.  I am so far behind on posting here on my blog.  I keep my Instagram up to date and then my FB.   Hope you are all having a great that all of the leaves are gone from the trees I will have to start posting naked trees soon...then snow. hurry on the snow.

Time to start decking the halls...

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Winter Barn

 10" x 14"

I definitely do not want snow yet, but I am sure we will get lots in the days to come.  It's hard to believe that this week is Thanksgiving.  Even though there is so much going on right now in this world....take time to count your blessings.  Bet you will be surprised to see how many you have to be thankful for.

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Early Fall Forest

  9" x12"

Early in the fall,  just before the colors begin to change, it is still pretty green in the forest.  Pretty soon the palette will be changing over to the warmer colors.

It's great to live in Indiana and to be able to experience all the fall seasons.  There are things I like about each season, and then there are things I do not like..  But I am staying here in Indiana where I was born and lived forever.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Forest Aglow

  9" x 12"

 Enjoying the last days of fall.  We sure were blest with some beautiful colors.
 The leaves stayed on a long time too and they kept their color.

 Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Another Fall Barn

10" x 14"

With all that we have been through thispast  year, I will have to say that this has been one of the best Falls we have had in a long time,  The weather was excellent and so were the colors.  The leaves stay on the trees for a long time too. We had gone out on many photo shoots and I took a bunch of barn photos.  Beside painting these barns, I just completed a sketchbook where I did 50 pen and Ink sketches/compositions.  It turned out really neat if I have to say so myself, I a proud of this accomplishment. It was so relaxing to do this. So now I have an idea for my next book.

Stay Well.  Stay strong....the weather went form 75 degrees to 30 right now.  Like I said, it was a lovely Indian Summer.  

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Time to Write

 11" x 11'
 still life

 I love pens and stuff related to pens.  Put a few things together to create this  still life.  I have a lot of really interesting things that I have collected though the years.  I should do more still lives.  So much to paint and so little time.  

Stay Well and Stay Strong.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Chicago Living in Winter -SOLD

 9" x 12"

Ok, the season series of Chicago houses is now complete.  This one is will pay for the paint I just ordered.  lol.  I also made these 4 paintings into blank greeting cards so those are also available.  Start thinking shopping for Christmas.

Have a great weekend.  Stay Well. Stay Strong.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Chicago Living in the Fall

 6-1/2" x 14"

Chicago is pretty in the fall.  Didn't go up there this least not yet.  Actually, I live on the state line of Illinois and Indiana.  Currently we are not supposed to go into Chicago and they are not supposed to cross state line into Indiana.  Hopefully soon, this virus will be under control and we will be able to go back into the city.

Stay Well and Stay Strong!!!