Monday, December 28, 2020

Winter in Indiana

 12" x 16"

It's not snowing here yet in Indiana, but it is winter so it can come any day. I love painting snow and naked trees.  More to come.

Stay Well.  tay Strong.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Winter All Around

 9" x 14"

 Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas...and all Good Blessings in the New 
 Year.  Things are a bit different this Christmas but the message is still the       same Christmas message.  Reflect on the quietness of this year.  Looking   forward to a brighter New Year.  Peace and Love.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

11" x 15"

This is at Lake Dale which is in Cedar Lake, Indiana.  It was really pretty this fall.  We happened to be there the day that they were draining the lake.  They lower it a few feet and the water flows into the Kankakee river.  This gives the people that live around the lake a chance to clean it up of old dead branches or things that people might have thrown into the lake.  It was a fun day.

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Friday, December 4, 2020



Even though I like warmer weather, there is so much beauty that you can see in "Naked" trees.  So I am studying them more and just "branching" out.  

Hope you have a great week.  Wear your mask and keep your distance.  
Stay well.  Stay strong.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

 10" x 14"

 Recently found some neat areas to gather information for future paintings.  Thinking about some water painting right now.

 Stay well.  Stay strong.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Path Through the Corn

 10" x 14"

another local view of Indiana in the fall...we have lots of corn and soy beans.  The land is pretty flat out here.

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Fall in Love With Fall

 10" x 14"

 I have no idea where time is going but it is going fast.  I am so far behind on posting here on my blog.  I keep my Instagram up to date and then my FB.   Hope you are all having a great that all of the leaves are gone from the trees I will have to start posting naked trees soon...then snow. hurry on the snow.

Time to start decking the halls...

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Winter Barn

 10" x 14"

I definitely do not want snow yet, but I am sure we will get lots in the days to come.  It's hard to believe that this week is Thanksgiving.  Even though there is so much going on right now in this world....take time to count your blessings.  Bet you will be surprised to see how many you have to be thankful for.

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Early Fall Forest

  9" x12"

Early in the fall,  just before the colors begin to change, it is still pretty green in the forest.  Pretty soon the palette will be changing over to the warmer colors.

It's great to live in Indiana and to be able to experience all the fall seasons.  There are things I like about each season, and then there are things I do not like..  But I am staying here in Indiana where I was born and lived forever.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Forest Aglow

  9" x 12"

 Enjoying the last days of fall.  We sure were blest with some beautiful colors.
 The leaves stayed on a long time too and they kept their color.

 Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Another Fall Barn

10" x 14"

With all that we have been through thispast  year, I will have to say that this has been one of the best Falls we have had in a long time,  The weather was excellent and so were the colors.  The leaves stay on the trees for a long time too. We had gone out on many photo shoots and I took a bunch of barn photos.  Beside painting these barns, I just completed a sketchbook where I did 50 pen and Ink sketches/compositions.  It turned out really neat if I have to say so myself, I a proud of this accomplishment. It was so relaxing to do this. So now I have an idea for my next book.

Stay Well.  Stay strong....the weather went form 75 degrees to 30 right now.  Like I said, it was a lovely Indian Summer.  

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Time to Write

 11" x 11'
 still life

 I love pens and stuff related to pens.  Put a few things together to create this  still life.  I have a lot of really interesting things that I have collected though the years.  I should do more still lives.  So much to paint and so little time.  

Stay Well and Stay Strong.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Chicago Living in Winter -SOLD

 9" x 12"

Ok, the season series of Chicago houses is now complete.  This one is will pay for the paint I just ordered.  lol.  I also made these 4 paintings into blank greeting cards so those are also available.  Start thinking shopping for Christmas.

Have a great weekend.  Stay Well. Stay Strong.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Chicago Living in the Fall

 6-1/2" x 14"

Chicago is pretty in the fall.  Didn't go up there this least not yet.  Actually, I live on the state line of Illinois and Indiana.  Currently we are not supposed to go into Chicago and they are not supposed to cross state line into Indiana.  Hopefully soon, this virus will be under control and we will be able to go back into the city.

Stay Well and Stay Strong!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Chicago Living- Summer

 9" x 12"

This started out as just a house in Chicago that was painted in a spring setting.  It evolved into a series of 4 houses, with one for each season.  The previous post was the first painting, Spring.  This is the second, Summer.  These will also be a set of my greeting cards.

I am currently doing a collection of pen and ink sketches with a fountain pen in this neat journal I bought years ago.  Who knows, I may share some here.

We get any extra hour to draw and paint tonight...yeah.  Here's to a great November everyone. 

 Stay Well and Stay Strong.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Chicago Living - Spring


9" x 12"


I decided to do a series showing living in Chicago during the four seasons.  These will probably be added to my Chicago Series.

Hope you all have a great weekend as we head into a new month.  Keep looking up.

Stay well and stay safe.  k

Monday, October 26, 2020

Fall at Island Park


19" x 14" 


We stumbled across Island Park in Illinois while we were out take photos for future paintings.  This place was really neat in the summer so I just mixed up my paints and turned it into a fall scene.  Happy Fall you all.

Stay Well.  Stay Safe.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Don't be Chicken


 9" x 12"


There's a local farm near me that has been there forever.  It's a family owned farm.  Now they want to get rid off the farm and put a 4  story retirement home on their property.  It is such a neat place in all the seasons. They even have a neat petting zoo and  I saw these and wanted to paint them.  We are all trying to save the farm.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Fall Farm


6-1/2" x 14-1/2"


Sharing more of Indiana during this fall season.  Starting to get a bit nippy today.....I hate to see summer go.  Hard to let go even if this was a weird summer.  But fall is really pretty.

stay well.  stay strong.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Punpkins Are Ready


6-1/2" x 14-1/2"


Besides all the barns that I get to see in my neck of the woods, I find equipment and exciting farm related objects.  Happy Fall Ya' All.

Stay Well. Stay Strong.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Fall Still Life II


6-1/2" x 14-1/2"

still life

More fall inspiration at Schreenga's Farm here in Highland, IN....we are praying to save the farm.  They want to take down this family farm that has been farmed by the family for years to put up a 3-story senior housing project.  Keep praying.

Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Fall Still Life (

6-1/2" x 14-1/2"
still life

Stopped by our local farm stand and picked up a few props for some still life painting.  Also bought some great corn and veggies. Fall is in the air...Happy first day of October.  Where did summer go?  did we have a summer.  All I remember are some beautiful days, lots of new paintings, rides in the went by too fast.  Hopefully this whole virus thing will pass by and we can go on with our lives.

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

"Par for the Course"


13" x 19"


A photography friend of mine took this photo of one of our local golf courses.  I have never played golf other than miniature golf way back when.  I don't think they would want to see me on their course.  The other golfers would probably throw their clubs at me. Thanks to Pete Doherty for the use of his photo....Four !!

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Monday, September 28, 2020




10" x 14"


Came across this really cool farm during one of our rides in the country.  Probably will never be able to find this farm again.  I have never seen hay wrapped up in plastic like this.  It was very interesting. Was able to get some neat photos which will become paintings.  Watch for them.

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

"Modern Day Farming"


14" x 20"


These new fandangle farms are a sight to see.  You can't miss them because they are so new and shiny.   They have come a long way from the traditiional farming.  I bet there is a lot of technology involved.

I personally love an old lapidated falling down barn that conveys a lot of character.  They are such great subject matters and are so readily found where I live.

Currently in Highland, Indiana we are all trying to save Scheeringa Farmers llc.  It is a family owned farm that has been here for years.  The city wants to take the farm and put up senior living.  I am a senior so I guess I should be for this.  But NO....SAVE THE FARM.  So many people will lose so much if this happens.  They are a great family and they have a great business that needs to be saved. Help us .. Pray...

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Indiana Barn X


13" x 19"


It's a lovely day here today in Indiana.  The sun is shinning.  I sat in my gazebo today for a bit and was thinking of my barn series and what I would like to add to it.  Came up with a lot of ideas and will continue with them.  Will be doing more pen and ink drawing to go with this series so watch for them..

Have a great weekend.  Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Indiana Barn VIII


10" x 14"


Still traveling the country looking for barns of Indiana...sometimes I .even venture into Illinois.

Pretty soon you will be seeing some fall barns.  So time to get out some warm colors in my palette.

Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Indiana Barn VII


14" x 21"


It was a beautiful day as I was experiencing it from my car window,,,,The skys were  so pretty and the clouds put on a great show for us as we drove.

Pretty soon the crops will all be picked and fall will be just around the corner. Soon you will smell the scent of leaves burning in the air.

Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

"Indiana Barn II"


11" x 15"


Everywhere in Indiana there seems to be a barn somewhere waiting to be painted or to be captured in a painting.  I love to paint barns and rural scenes since I have photographed so many.  These structures are so exciting to me and I am fascinated thinking about what the life of a farmer is like.  Bet I couldn't survive one day.  They get up just when I am going to bed.  But I bet at the same time, they are wondering what it is like to be an artist.  

Stay Well.  Stay Strong,  Enjoy the rest of summer.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

"Barn Reflections"



I took this photo on one of my barn photo shoots.  I used my artistic license and added the water in the foreground.  It's fun to make things up and be creative.  We call this composition and design.  Enjoy.

Stay Well.  Be strong.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

"Skys of Indiana"


11" x 15"


It was a dramatic sky day when I took this photo....This is a grain elevator over some railroad tracks in Indiana.

Fall is just around the corner so we will be experiencing a whole new palette of colors and subjects...Fall is in the Air.

Stay We... Stay Strong.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

"The Great Escape"

10" x 14"

During times like these, sometimes it is good to just escape.  What is your favorite way to escape?

Stay Well and Be Strong.


Friday, September 4, 2020

Night Shift at the Pipe Mill

14" x 10"

This is one of my favorite mill places to check out.  It's on the drive over to our favorite ice cream shop.  I love it in the summer because the doors to this mill shop are all open and you can see the men working inside (maybe women, too).  In front of this building is a crane that my husband helped to wire...He's a crane guy.  lol.

Stay well.  Stay strong.  Have a great weekend...this last great weekend of summer and enjoy a safe holiday.

Scrap Yard

14" x 21"

While up in Chicago on one of my photo shoots, I came across a scene I have never seen before.  I will probably never find it again.  When i go up to Chicago or into the country to take photos,  never have a plan.  We just go where the car (and my hubby) wants to take us.  

This was a really cool spot and totally different to see...they sure were doing some recycling here.

Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Chicago Residence


I love the homes in the city of Chicago.  The only thing is that they are so close together and they have no where to park..That I wouldn't I am sure the cost of living is astronomical.   But it is fun to visit...
My Kind of Town...Chicago, is !!

Saturday, August 29, 2020

"A" Classic

9" x 13"

Ran across this model "A" and had to take a photo or two. lol. Then the owner came out and we had a nice chat.  A camera can introduce you to a lot of neat people.  It's the only way you should shoot someone or something...

Stay well.  Stay strong.  Have a great weekend.

Monday, August 24, 2020

"Sunday Walk in the City" Chicago


A beautiful day in Chicago to get your mind off of the things that are going on in the world these days.

Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

"Biking in the City" Chicago


I enjoyed seeing this gal on one of Chicago's DIVY bikes.  It is a bike system that they have up in Chicago where you have the opportunity to rent a public bike to view the city.  I am sure she was enjoying the views of the city.

Sun Flower


This is a great time of year to get your sun flowers...I never knew there were so many varieties and sizes.  This is also a reminder that summer is coming to and end soon and fall will be upon us before we know it......but not for a while so enjoy the rest of your summer.

Stay Well.  Stay Safe.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lavender Fields

10" x 14"

This was the first time that I went to a lavender field.  I will have to go again next year when it is in the height of it's season.  I went on the last day of picking...not much there but it was fun and and I brought home some of the lavender and some other lavender products that they sold.
stay well.  Stay strong.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Eating Lunch on My Deck

10" x 7"

I bought this pot of sunflowers for only $15 and these flowers have been blooming like crazy.  They are not the 9 feet tall ones.  They brought sunshine to my deck and to me...I was especially thrilled to catch this little guy on the branch...
Hope you are all having a nice weekend.  
Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Friday, August 14, 2020

The Balloon Shop-Chicago

10" x 14"

I had to look twice when I saw this.  I go up to Chicago often and was working up there for 12 years and I never saw this place.  It was such a pleasant view to see during this pandemic.  It brought smiles to my face.  Hope it does to yours, too.
Stay strong.  Stay well.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Across the Great Lake

21" x 14"

Sometimes we just need to see things from a different perspective....Here's looking across Lake Michigan and at sunset you can see how I captured the city of Chicago in the background.

Enjoy your weekend...head up to the city.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Seventh Inning Stretch

14" x 21"

It's sad that we are missing so much of this season of baseball.  Not that I am a big baseball fan but so many people are.  How do you social distance at a game or how do you eat a Chicago hot dog or drink a cold beer with a mask on?  They have decided to have a short season this year with no fans in  attendance.  What?  Crazy times.  Hopefully, this too, shall pass,  Soon.

This is a statue of Harry Carey the great announcer of the games who has since passed on.  Hope this statue doesn't come down.  This is the bleacher section of Chicago CUBS baseball field...known as Wrigley Field.  Come to Chicago and check out Wrigleyville.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

"Cafe' Reflecting"


I saw this gentleman in Chicago sitting at one of the outside cafes.  The city had just opened up and it only had outside dinning.  I wonder what he was thinking...

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

"Back Packing Chicago"

12" x 16"

Walking the streets in the city with a pack pack on his back.  Now we wonder...what is in that pack....I say it is art supplies.  What is your guess?

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The New Normal

10" x 14"

I am sure that by now we are all trying to figure out the new normal....I think most people are getting used to wearing masks.  You keep me safe and I will keep you safe...  Hopefully soon they will tell us that we no longer have to wear them.  Keep social distancing....but feel free to shop for my work on line.

Stay Well. Stay Safe.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Biking Chicago


I would have to say the best way to get around in Chicago is on a bike....but I am not crazy enough to ride the city....

Stay well.  Stay safe.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Afternoon Glow-Chicago

watercolor 11" x 15"

I love being in the city at the right time of afternoon when the sun slices light into the landscape and the shadows are nice and long and intriguing. .

Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


watercolor 14" x 10"

I tried to grow these many times but never had any luck.  This year I tried in a different garden and it was so pretty,

Hope you are out in your gardens and they are doing well for you and giving you much beauty.

Stay well.  Be strong.