Sunday, April 25, 2021

Stopped for a Donut..Trying Them all

 9" x 12"

Here's a new series of Chicago that I am working on.....I love this town in every season, no matter the weather.   Always something new and exciting to see.  Come and view the city....

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Stopped for Coffee...Stayed Too Long

 9" x 13"

I started this little series of Chicago painting using a play on words.  The previous post is also a part of this series.

Funny that I posted this today, April 20 since Indiana had a bit of snow and we are supposed to have a little more this afternoon.  I hope my spring flowers will hold up.  

Stay well.  Stay strong...Stay warm.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Electricity is Out...went to get some lanterns

14" x 21"

I know I haven't blogged for a while, but I didn't realize it was that long.  I have been really busy painting.  Since the pandemic, I had to cancel all of my studio classes.  I do have two small classes coming up at a local frame and art supply shop.  These are great for beginners.  Don't know when I will start up my classes in the studio.  Maybe it is time to retire from that.  I am hoping to have some classes out in my yard in the summer.  I have had all of my vaccines so I am good there.

So I will continue to paint and get back to posting here....

Stay well.  Stay strong.