Monday, May 31, 2021

Out in the Woods 10/30

 9" x 12"

When your nieces and nephews come home to Indiana from New York to visit, you make sure to go to their parents house (brother and sister in law) and you spend the day with them.  I had to bring gifts of art supplies for the littles, and I made sure I brought paint for those that wanted to paint.    Pat and Liz have some nice woods in their back yard.  We all had fun.  Hope they come back soon. 

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Daffodils 9/30

 9" x 12"

Welcome Spring...these are the flowers that welcome spring into our gardens.  Were they in your garden?

Been planting my gardens.  Usually this is a 2 week project.  I was hoping to get this all done for Memorial Day, but it has been really cold here (and rainy) in Indiana.  The sun came out today and I was able to go out to a local green house and get another car load of flowers.  We won't say how many car loads I already picked up.  lol

Remember those who fought for our country and those that continue to do so.  Have a safe and enjoyable weekend with those you love.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Early Spring Day in Chicago... 7/30

14"  x  21"

It was such a lovely spring day in Chicago when I took this photo reference.  It was so nice to see people out and about again.   Chicago is such a lovely city,.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Crossing Over the Bridge 8/30

 14" x 21"

I enjoy visiting Chicago and taking photos...And I always have to stop at my favorite pen shop...Atlas Stationers.  I have never walked out of there emptied handed.  lol

Friday, May 21, 2021

Sun Star / Star of Bethleham 6/30

 12" x 9"
 While checking out one of my local garden centers I came across this plant.  I  am  not familiar with it.  I would have bought it, but it was early in the season and too early in the season to plant.  I always wait till May 15.

Talking about planting....that's what I have to do right now.  Gardening tip...Flower side up.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Pansy 5/30

 12" x 9"

Pansies are the first flowers that I purchase each year.  They are available around Easter and are a very hardy plant.  I have even had snow fall on them.  But, to me, they are a sign that spring is just around the corner....

Thursday, May 13, 2021


 9" x 12"

 Yes...the weather is getting warmer.  It's almost Friday and the forecast looks   great for the next few days...time to start planting.  Can't wait.   But then, I am   committed to them for the next 4 -5 months for tender loving care.  Lots of   watering and feeding.  But they in turn, they will bless me with beautiful   flowers.   Hopefully I will be geting some exciting floral paintings.  Watch for them grow.  Stay well.  Stay strong.

Monday, May 10, 2021


 9" x 12"

It's almost getting warm enough to start planting my 2021 gardens. Maybe in a week I can begin.  I have seen the perennials popping up in the ground.  The clematis is beginning to wrap onto my latticework on my gazebo....once I start planting, it will take about 2 weeks to complete.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate and I can complete this task by memorial day....or there abouts.
Stay tuned.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Sunflowers 2/30

 9" x 12"

 Here is the second painting that I did for the 30 days challenge...I do love flowers.  Spent the day today outside cleaning out the gardens.  Too early to plant here in Indiana,  but it was a beautiful day to garden and cut the grass.  Now to make me a well deserved banana split.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Just a Farm in Indiana

 6-1/2" x 14-1/2"

I am so far behind on posting on my blog....there are just not enough hours in each day.  But for the last 30 days, I did a 30 day, 30 painting challenge.  I will post the 30 paintings that I completed during this time.  It was a great April for painting.

Enjoy.  Stay Strong!  Stay Well!