Saturday, July 31, 2021

White Lilies 23/30

 9" x 12"

 I love summer and all the beauties of it's flowers.  It was a glorious day and I spent a lot of it weeding and cutting back my flowers.  Things in the gardens still look good.
Enjoy the rest of the summer....

Friday, July 30, 2021

Summer Bouquet 22/30

 9" x 12"

 It's hard to believe that summer is flying by and the gardens are beginning to change.  I hate when that will be fun to start decorating for fall.  

My mum plants are beginning to get little buds on them..  Need to find some pumpkins and a scarecrow.  I know this sounds early for this...but if you don't buy that stuff now...when you are going to want it you will not be able to find it. is time to start buying back to school supplies...  yay.

Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Notre Dame 21/30

 9" x 12"

During the pandemic things were a bit slow so we decided to take a ride to the east side of the state to visit at Notre Dame.  it was very quiet since it was either a break, lockdown or zoom classes.  We did see some students.  it is such a lovely campus and the trees are plentiful and so pretty.  I will make sure to go back in the fall.  Note to self....make sure there is no football game when I go.

Magnolia 20/30

 9" x 12"

 I can't believe how far behind I am in posting these 30 in 30 days watercolors.  I did this challenge way back in April.  I have painted so much since then and I have also entered some shows and was very happy to get into them.  That called for a few trips to Indianapolis which is almost 3 hours away.  I am at the top of the state of Indiana...I am about 35 miles south of Chicago.  I should be entering Chicago shows.  Also had Park Full of Art which has been going on for 46 years...I have been in every one.  I am the only person to have done this.

Currently I have been working on a sketchbook of watercolors of flowers from my garden.  That has been fun and the book is looking really neat.  I will be posting those painting after I get done with these 30/30 paintings.

Enjoy the rest of is going by so fast.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Shops in the Woods 19/30

11" xc 14"

Happy summer.  I hope everyone is having a fund and enjoyable summer.  I just can't believe how fast it is flying by.  School supplies are out.

These are still paintings from  my 30 day challenge that I did in April.  Sorry for the delay.  There were a lot of shows going on and prep for them.   I'm back to doing workshops at our local frame and art supply store.  That is going really well.  In fact, I will be doing the demo prep for that.  Giving a demo and hands on workshop for a local art league this coming Monday.  Have to do my samples for that today.  

There's never a dull moment at my studio,   Happy painting or whatever you have planned for today.


Monday, July 5, 2021

Afternoon Walk 18/30

10" x 14"

This is a local scene early in the spring.  I can't believe that it is already July.  Where is time going..  Hope you are all doing well and had a great 4th of July weekend.  Now to wind down from the celebrating and get back to work.

I just received an email saying that I was accepted into the 97th Annual Hoosier Salon Show.  This is a big show held in Indianapolis, the capital of Indiana.  Currently, I am in the Indiana Watercolor Society's Annual Juried Exhibit.  Looks like I will be heading down to Indy a lot.  Indiana wants me.  lol

Have a great week and may it become a creative week for all of you.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Dusk 17/30

 10" x 14"

 Happy 4th of July.  Hope you are celebrating our freedoms that were fought for   us.  We are so blest.

 I have been so busy in my garden.  It took a while to plant all of my flowers.  It   takes time to care for them...weeding and watering them.  But they are looking   so good and I have been able to do some painting of this years flowers   already.  Once  I  post all of these 30 day challenge paintings I will post the   flowers.

 Hope you are enjoying your summer.  Stay cool, stay well and safe.