Monday, August 30, 2021

Delphinium I

 10" x 7"

Here is the second page in my floral sketchbook.  This is one of my favorite flowers in my front garden.  It was so amazing to see how tall that they grew this year.  After they bloomed, I cut trimmed them back and now I am enjoying the second growth.

The mums in my garden are ready to burst open their blooms.  I can't wait to see what colors they will be.  One I noticed is yellow.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Angel on Deck

7" x 10"

I always wanted to paint a collection of watercolors of the flowers in my garden.  Last year I did a few plein air studies.  I probably post those last year.  This year I made a special sketchbook just for these paintings.  They are painted on various types of watercolor paper.

This is my deck table where I enjoy sitting and enjoying each day.  I used to laugh at my mom and gramma for having a gazing ball in the yard.  I had no idea what purpose it served?  I was told the birds like to see their reflections in the gazing ball.  Now....I do not want to tell you my thoughts on Gazing balls or how many I have.   Let's just say....they ALL look so pretty and the birds like to see their reflections in them.  lol.

Keep coming back to see what grows in my garden here in Indiana.


Wednesday, August 25, 2021

A Sunny Day

 10" x 14"

On the way through Indiana on a photo shoot I came across this beautiful  house with this lovely landscaping.  I am sure I added a few extra trees and flowers...did I add the fence, too?

Enjoy these last days of summer.

Saturday, August 21, 2021


"REFINERY"  watercolor
14" x 21"

 "AMOCO"  watercolor

These were my two entries that were accepted into the 97th Hoosier Salon Annual Juried Exhibition.  The opening was Aug. 19 at the Indiana State Museum in Indianapolis, Indiana.  It was an exciting night.  My painting Refinery won 3rd place in watercolor and it also SOLD that night.  I was happy to get these two paintings into the show, but the award and sale were icing on the cake.
Special thanks to the judge, sponsors, committee and  collectors. The show runs till Oct. 24.

Friday, August 20, 2021

End of the Path 30/30

9" x 12"

Yes, this is the end of the path.  I have decided to post 2 paintings today.  These last 30 paintings were from a 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.  These were done back in April. That shows you how far I am behind on posting on my blog.  I guess I am just busy painting.

What will I post next time.....come back and see./

Up the Road

 9" x 12"

It's summer now....and I hate to see it go. but I know fall is right around the corner and it will be time to get out a different set of colors for my palette for fall paintings.   Hopefully, we will have a colorful fall this year...or I will just have to use my artistic license and paint the colors that I want.

Have a great weekend.

Friday, August 13, 2021

My Yellow Tulips 28/30

9" x 12"

Last fall I decided to plant a bunch of tulip bulbs in the late fall.  I was hoping this would brighten my days in the spring this year.  Little did I know...everyone thought the same thing.   I could not find any tulips.  I did find the last they had at Menards//.... only yellow ones and no bag was the same.  I think maybe only 3 bags were left.

I planted them and they were really pretty this Spring.  Tulips are not expensive so I would advise you to plant a few so you will be surprised in the spring.  I will be purchasing more this fall....but very early.

Have a great weekend. 

It's Flower Time 27/30

9" sx 12"

Today's painting shows a variety of flowers that were in a bouquet.  Nope, these are not from my garden...those will be coming soon.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Refinery 26/30

 14" x 21"

This is a typical scene that I can see near by.  I am not too far from Lake Michigan and we have so many mills and other types of industries.

This is one of two paintings that I had gotten accepted into the 97th Hoosier Art Salon Annual Juried Exhibition.  The show is at the Indiana State Museum in Indianapolis, Indiana.  It opens August 19 at the awards presentation.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Grape Hyacinth 25/30

 9" x 12"

These are some of the first flowers to pop their little heads up from a winter's sleep.  My mother-in-law gave me these years ago and I am happy when I see them appear each year.  Wish I had more.  I don't recall seeing them at the nurseries to purchase.  They looked great with my yellow tulips this year. They do not last very need to last longer...they get expensive when you purchase a lot of them.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Bleeding Hearts 24/30

9" x 12"

These are a favorite that grow in my garden.  I think I planted these when we first moved into this house 33 years ago.  Back then I didn't know what they were or that they would become so big and come back each year.  They have been a joy to watch them grow.