Sunday, October 31, 2021

The Golden Season

 7" x 10"

Here is #2 in my gouache watercolor paintings.  I am painting these
on a mixed media board.  These are exciting to paint.  New type of 
board and opaque watercolors, where as I have been using transparent
watercolors for 50 years.  I will continue with transparent watercolor
when I can go back to using two hands....don't FALL and break anything.

Enjoy the fall.  I wish we would get another warm spell since I missed 
the last one.  Not a lot of color here in North wWst Indiana yet.  Sure hope
we get more color.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

A River View

 gouache watercolor
 7" x 10"

 Since I had this fall 6 weeks ago, I haven't been able to paint my usual watercolors with one hand.  So I completed a whole sketchbook in pencil and now I am painting some of my drawings from the book. The book is on barns and this is not in the sketch book...hence, no barn.  It's fun to try new mediums now and then.

Have a great fall weekend and Happy Halloween... May all you candy be chocolate.

Friday, October 29, 2021

We Need Rain for the Grain

14" x 21"

Silos have really come a long way and so has the farming industry. Remember the wind mills you used to see with old barns....once in a while i can still find one.  Now we have turbines. I live about an hour and a half from turbine farms.  They are amazing to watch and see fields of them.  They are huge.  But you need a windy day to see them in action.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

The Industry of Farming

 14" x 21"

Out again on a ride with my hubby,  I really enjoy going for rides in the a puppy.  As he is driving through the country I am trying to take photos.  It's been harder these past 5 weeks with a broken arm. It's amazing when you realize quickly how you need two hands to do most things.  It really makes me think about wounded warriors and first responders who have lost limbs. God Bless them all.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Rain at the Pier

 14" x 21" 

This is what a rainy day looks like in Chicago...just like in your city.  lol.  Right now it is raining again.  It started during the night and it's going to be raining for a fact, they are calling for the Little Calumet River to flood.  May crest Monday or Tuesday.   Stay dry and have a great wet weekend.  With all of this rain the leaves will fall before the colors change.  Glad I have an Artistic License.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Angel on Deck

7" x 10"

Well it's been a crazy 5 weeks after my fall when I went out to do some plein air painting.  Think I should just remain a studio artist.  I am so far behind  posting here.  Hard to type with one hand.  I am getting better but I think I have a ways to go.

Since it was to hard to paint during that time I have been doing a sketch book of drawings of barns.  I found a bunch of old photos of mine from the 70's, 80's.
Haven't seen these in ages.  It was really a great find.  I ended up doing 37 drawings in this book.  It was fun studying composition and making things up.  I really liked how it turned out.  Now my goal is to turn these sketches into paintings.  Watch for them.