Saturday, February 19, 2022

10" x 14"

I did a whole series of snow scenes.  I would rather paint than spend my time on the computer..ANYONE ELSE FEEL THE SAME?

Decided to get on with life and I will start opening up my studio with my classes.  I am also teaching classes at Hoosier Highlander, Highland, Indiana.

I will try to do better with my posting. 


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Winter in Chicago VI

10" x 13"

It's already February and we really can't complain with the weather.  We had a few snow days so everything is really pretty.  I was also able to start a new snow series of watercolors.  yes, I am behind on posting my new pieces.  But I have been painting a lot.  I was also able to design to workshops that will be coming up.  I started to clean out (more like can you throw out stuff) my 15 drawer flat files..well I even finished that project.

Stay warm.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Chicago in Winter V

 10" x 14"

It was the beginning of winter.  The skies were gray and we all knew snow would soon be covering us with its white blanket of sparkling snow.

It is snowing as I write this post.  We are expecting 2 snow storms back to back...with snow accumulating  to 10 inches.  Guess the new snow blower will get some good use tomorrow.

stay warm and enjoy the snow days.