Sunday, August 7, 2022

Daffodils - narcissus

10" x 14"

Still at the garden in Merrillville, Indiana.   Besides Tulips, it had Daffodils. 
I weeded and fertilized my front gardens yesterday.      Enjoy Summer.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Daffodil Garden


 10" x 14"


Here are some more flowers that were at that friendly couple's home.  It was a wonderous day walking through their gardens.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Tulips - Variety Pack


10" x 14"


This was at a really neat garden in Indiana.  It was the front yard of this couple's house. I was allowed to go through the front and back yard to take photos.  It was truly amazing.  The photos were taken in the spring.  I wonder what the gardens look like now.  hum.... it might be...the return of the artist.....