Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Back at the Farm

 14" x 21"

Living in the Midwest there are so many barns....and we have soooooo much corn and soy beans.  Come visit Indiana.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Rolling Down the River

14" x 21"

One of my favorite places to paint is the Kankakee River.  I have painted it many times and in many seasons.  It is a place I like to go to just relax.  Hope this painting relaxes you.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Country Living

 12" x 18"

It's Fall and we did get some of Nature's Colors.  The weather has been great .
Here's looking to Thanksgiving and a wonderful meal.  Enjoy and give Thanks for your many blessings.

Sunday, November 12, 2023


14" x 21"
still life

It's been forever since I have posted on my blog.  I need to be two who paints and one who does the business side of  being an artist.  I don't think about posting and I had to think twice on how to change the heading and how to post.  lol

Enjoy the fall and if I do not get to posting again soon....I wish you many Blessing this Thanksgiving.  I am thankful for all my friends, collectors and followers.


Monday, May 1, 2023

Spare Parts XIX

7" x 10"
still life

Well I finished this series and it has 20 of these " mill stills " type still lifes.  I had a great time doing these and hopefully I can find a venue to exhibit these pieces.   enjoy

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Covered Bridge I



5" x 7"

Time to show some of my covered bridges that we have  out here in Indiana...enjoy.


Monday, April 3, 2023

Spare Parts

 8" x 10"
 still life

While on a date night with my hubby......we stopped at the shop where he works to pick up some parts and STUFF for a panel he was building. While I was waiting for him, i was walking around the shop.   It was all so fascinating to me.  So I took a bunch of photos and then while editing I came up with  this new series.   I never realized that STUFF could be so much fun to paint.    enjoy.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Snow Scene

 14" x 21"

 We were supposed to have snow last night that would accumulate, but it's about 35 degrees so it didn't stick....that's ok.  I painted this in January of February.  I paint almost daily but I just don't take the time to post all my paintings on my blog.  I do post them on Instagram and Facebook.

 Keep your eyes open...spring is just around the corner.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Chicago Transportation

14" x 21"
city scape

This is an all so familiar scene that you see all around Chicago....Sometimes it's the only way to get around the city.  Hop on and take a ride through my gallery of paintings.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Let Me Take You Higher

10" x 14"

Subject matter can be found anywhere you look....even in your neighborhood.


Friday, February 17, 2023

Winter at the River

 10" x 14"

Here in Indiana we have had a pretty mild winter.  We did have that artic blast of cold weather a while back but only one light snow.  

Today I woke up to almost 2" of that white stuff.  So I had to take to the road for a photo shoot.  It's been a long day of taking photos and just now  I spent a few hours editing my photos.  Great day.  So much I want to paint.  Glad I recently purchased a bunch of art supplies.  I am ready....

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Snow's Melting

12" x 14"

Yesterday and today I woke up early to SNOW.  it was really lovely,  but it melted off the streets and sidewalks.  Yay.

Currently I am taking a 4 day workshop on line called WATERCOLOR LIVE.
Today was the second day.  Wow.  These are really long days that are packed full of so much information.  All the demonstrators have been extremely knowledgeable.   I already signed up for next year.  This is their 3rd year for this workshop and yes, I have taken all of them.

Now it's time to hit the internet and shop for some neat art supplies that I heard about today...

Saturday, January 21, 2023


10" x 14"

I have been busy with the holidays and I have been painting a maybe that is why I haven't posted on my blog in ages.... I will try to do better.

Here in Indiana, near Chicago we have been snow free (except for that Christmas Storm).  The temps have been good. too....not Florida weather ...but wait,  I think it's been rather cool there.

No matter where you are,  stay warm and healthy.  Do come back.