Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Technique Workshop Coming Saturday

I am having part II of my watercolor technique workshop so I am busy making samples and also writing the text that I want to give the students for a handout. I think I have two openings left so if you are interested in attending, give me a call.

I finished making my bracelets from yesterday. In fact, I made 21 of them. I think I have that out of my system for awhile. Sometimes we just need different avenues to funnel our creativity. Change is good sometimes.


  1. Looks like you got your sh-t together with your workshops. I too do a lot of them, and like you, give my participants their moneys worth. We might want to exchange ideas on water media wrkshps. sometime in the future.

  2. Thanks for your comments David. I do enjoy teaching and workshops are the way to go. I am an organized person and that works best for me. I even video tape some of my demos. Planning on doing another one soon. I would like to exchange ideas.
