Sunday, April 26, 2009


watercolor 13 x 19

This was the demo that I did yesterday in a workshop that I gave at the Chesterton Art Center in Chesterton, IN. We all had a lot of fun and it is always amazing how each painting is so different.
They were white hydrangea, so I showed them that even though they were white, they could have alot of color in them. I also gave them some color combinations for pink, blue or purple ones. Some of the students tried these combinations, so they were all different. I had a great class of artists!!


  1. Está muy bien, es dificil pintar una Hortensia.It´s a beautiful watercolor. Very difficult to paint a Hydrangea

  2. Hello Julian,
    Thanks for stopping on my blog and for your kind words. Now is my favorite time of year to paint flowers. Once I get all of my garden beds cleaned out I will be painting more.
