Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Warmth of Winter


It's time to start entering the art shows. I am going to enter this one into a show in Michigan. Did another tulip painting today.
Things are getting a bit stressful here with my mom. Now she will not even eat or drink. It is so sad.


  1. Its really sad to read about your mom..I send hugs and wishes for her..BTW this winter painting is awesome...Colors really reflect the snow and the weather! Well done kathy!

  2. nice painting. it is a wonderful feeling when the sun comes out after a snow. your painting seems to exuberate that feeling. hope your mom feels better

  3. Well friends, my mom passed at 11:15 pm on Friday. We had her wake yesterday. It was a great turn out. Better than I had anticipated. Mom looked lovely after suffering this past month and a half. Knowing that she is in heaven looking down on me...maybe that will help my painting. Hope I can get back to that soon. Thanks for all of your wishes.
