Thursday, May 28, 2009

watercolor 5 x 7

In 8 more will be my last class for this semester...but who is counting?
Then I will be into the workshop mode. I have to come up with a few more ideas for the art center since they want me to teach more classes there. Sounds like a plan.

I am working on another big painting right now. It is one of these really involved ones. I wish Milind and David were here to give me some advice and coaching on painting people. Boy are those two guys good!!

Well, I better hit the hay for tonight...or this morning. LOL

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bleeding Hearts III

watercolor 5 x 7

Here is another little painting in prep for the art fairs coming up. This is my last week of teaching for this semester. Then I will be on my summer workshop schedule. I will then be able to paint what I want and when I want. Guess I will have to start working on the paint-off of the self portrait. hummmmmmmm

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bleeding Hearts II

watercolor 5 x 7

Here is another in the heart series...there are 4 to this little series and 4 to the little trillium series. They are all framed in the same white frame with dark green or bluegreen mats. They make a nice grouping of four. We will see if they sell at the shows.
Now what will I paint next....

Monday, May 25, 2009

Bleeding Hearts I

watercolor 5 x 7

These are some early spring flowers that I grow in my garden. They actually look like a heart that is bleeding... They are so delicate and then they are a bush that continues to grow through the summer.
My gardens are almost all done being planted. Today there were humming birds around the flowers on my deck.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Trillium II

watercolor 5 x 7

Here is another in my mini trillium many will there be?

Purchased tons of flowers today and I have been planting them all afternoon and evening. Right now I am pooped!!! Pepsi time.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Winter Memories

watercolor 17 x 29

This painting won a merit award this weekend at the MAAC Exhibit at the Box Factory in St. Joseph, Michigan. MAAC stands for Michiana Annual Art Competition. This includes artists from Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. I am happy to report that both of my paintings were accepted into the exhibit. The exhibit runs through June 21, so if you are in the area, go check out the show.
The painting has a strong contrast of lights and darks, but I am just happy to be able to post it on the blog. I had trouble with the posting of this one since it was in a different program. LOL. That is why I paint.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Little Trillium I

watercolor 5 x 7

I decided to do some miniature paintings for the art shows coming up. I can get a good deal on the frames for them. This is going to be a little series of about 4, maybe. I thought that would also be a good number for a grouping.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Trillium Revisited

After looking at my painting for a bit, I decided to make a few changes to it. I added a few things...

Today I was able to catch up on some framing and now I will be going back to painting the little 5 x 7 watercolors. Those will probably be the ones that will be selling at the shows.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


watercolor 15 x 21

While I was at the Art Barn in Valparaiso, Indiana. I had the pleasure of getting a tour of Jan's property. It was an awesome day. We went through the woods and I found all these trillium so I was shooting away with my camera. They now have this little cabin in the middle of the woods that was hand built. What a neat place to get away!! I bet it would get really dark out there in the middle of no where. I have photos of it and that may be a painting soon.

Monday, May 11, 2009


watercolor 11 x 18

This was a demo that I did for one of my classes. I was showing them how to paint loose which is something I love in a watercolor but I am still working towards that myself. Practise, practise, practise!!

Monday, May 4, 2009


watercolor 16 x 19

I finally finished cleaning out all of my gardens and planted two more clematis plants to grow around my gazebo. It was a glorious day today so I was able to get a lot done. Can't wait to get my hanging fuchsia on my deck so that the humming birds will soon come back. I will be planting like a crazy woman in a few weeks. I can't wait!!