Thursday, May 28, 2009

watercolor 5 x 7

In 8 more will be my last class for this semester...but who is counting?
Then I will be into the workshop mode. I have to come up with a few more ideas for the art center since they want me to teach more classes there. Sounds like a plan.

I am working on another big painting right now. It is one of these really involved ones. I wish Milind and David were here to give me some advice and coaching on painting people. Boy are those two guys good!!

Well, I better hit the hay for tonight...or this morning. LOL


  1. This is fantastic...I am waiting to see that big painting..:)

  2. I am waiting to see the big one too. I finished it this early am but will do it again after I study it. I awoke this am from having a dream that 2 guys from India came to help me with it...who could they be? LOL Or was one from India and one from California?

  3. I can guess who they are...BTW, I have something for you on my blog..Check it! :)

  4. Megha...Wow!!! Thank you so much for the award...can you email me at I have some questions to ask you. I am so excited and I got it right in the middle of a is that passion or what....

  5. Ya sure, Kathy! I have emailed you the award..Take Care!
