Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Scarborough Faire, Schererville, IN


Some painting days are better than others. This is a painting of my friend's restaurant "Scarborough Faire" in Schererville, IN. This is a night when he and his band were playing their music.
When you see your painting sized down for the blog, you can see what you need to change. I need to go and change the window. I am going to tone it down a bit. It is coming forward too much. Infact, that is one of the first things that I see...I darkenedd the bright window to push it back more. (top frame) Putting people into my paintings is not an easy thing for me. But we must challenge ourselves.
I think I will go back to painting some flowers.
If you want to see my paintings up close, they grace the walls at Scarborough Faire.

1 comment:

  1. But you put people so well in your painting..:) Very nice and clean painting of the cafe!
