Tuesday, September 22, 2009


watercolor 11 x 7

Another demo for one of my other classes. They are doing flowers.... These were supposed to be hydrangea, but they look more like lilacs....I will have to do another hydrangea later. Right now I am working on some miniature paintings for a fundraiser that our local art center is having in October.


  1. Hi kathy!its look real flower.nise paintings.

  2. Thanks you so much, but I have one in my mind that I want to do...you'll have to wait to see that one. lol Right now I am framing my miniatures. I will be posting those.

  3. Kath- the miniature painting can not be bigger than 5 x 7 and the frame can not be bigger than 8 x 10 on the outside dimension. Try cutting double mats for those. I am pooped!!! I did two that frame up to 7 x 7.
