Friday, September 4, 2009

Summer's Over

watercolor 18 x 24

I do not know where this past summer has vanished to, but the hydrangea are still blooming and some of them are beginning to turn green and pink. Maybe I will be doing a painting of those next. There are so many things I want to paint. I was gong through all of my "want to paint references" tonight. My classes begin Sept. 9th ...let's see, what should we begin working on. Some of the students want to do some figures...maybe we should start with a color chart of flesh tones.
Have a great Labor Day Weekend. Don't labor too much. Great day to clean up your studio.


  1. You really are a master painting hydrangeas and great how you handle edges

  2. I'm interested in a chart of flesh colors.

  3. Julian, thanks for your comments. I just got out of my front yard gardens. Took a few hours doing that, but as I was watering the hydrangeas, those pink and green colors were talking to me....May do a painting of those.

    Kathy...get ready for the color chart!
