Sunday, January 31, 2010

Places to Eat and Drink Series #3 "At the Bar"

watercolor 5 x 7

Time to drink something with the food we have been eating. There is alot happening in this little painting. This would be a good one to paint on a larger scale where you would be able to get really loose...especially if you had a drink to go with your painting.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Places to Eat and Drink Series... # 2 "Stopping for a Warm Bowl of Soup"

watercolor 5 x 7

Come on in and get warm over a home made bowl of soup. Right now it is 9 degrees out. That is just way too cold. I hope this little painting will warm you up.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Places to Eat and Drink Series #1 "Thank You for Your Order"

watercolor 5 x 7 matted 8 x 10 $40

This is a great place to go for a beef sandwich. It's in Merrillville, Indiana.

Had our cooking class here last night. It was a blast and we are going to do it again. The restaurant, Scarborough Faire in Schererville, Indiana, is where I have my paintings on display. The chef from the restaurant was our teacher. They have delicious food so go and check them out and while you are there, check out my paintings.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Fall in acrylic

acrylic on canvas panel 11 x 14

Ok, I said I wouldn't do a snow scene and I didn't. But, because I didn't now it is snowing here in Indiana. Go figure. Today I thought I would try another acrylic. It sure is different painting with them. It is hard to figure out how thick or thin you should have the paint. But it is fun trying this new medium out.
Now what will I paint tomorrow and what medium will I use....come back and see.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Keeping It Simple

watercolor 7 x 11

This was the little painting that I taught at a 3 hr workshop on Saturday. There were 19 students in the class and some never painted at all. That's a challenge to teach. It is always rewarding to a teacher to see how proud and excited they get when they see their completed painting with a mat on it. We forget how we felt when we first began to paint.

They want to try it again!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Even When It Snows, It Still Flows.

watercolor 12 x 18 matted 18 x 24

Painting the acrylic painting yesterday was fun. I will be trying that again so stay tuned. But today I went back to my traditional wc with no tricks or gimmicks. Just your basic watercolor.

My framer brought me the frames that I ordered and also my gicle' prints. I had prints made up of the Hydrangea. Also had some cards made. The great thing about "My Framer/Printer Guy" is that I don't have to purchase 1,000 prints. He just makes me purchase 1,000 frames. He does ship and has great prices.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Same Day... different supplies

acrylic 12 x 12

Yes, I said acrylic. I bought these paints in the spring and had planned to paint with them in the summer. Well, I am finally getting to trying them out. Wasn't sure what to paint on. I have so much watercolor paper. lol. I did find this watercolor canvas that I purchased at the Art Expo in Chicago this summer. It was a lot of much so that I just might try using these paints again. I didn't like the fact that I had to wait for it to dry. This is the same subject matter as yesterday's. Or should I say earlier this morning. I just wanted to try something different.

A Place Close By

watercolor 5-1/2 x 14 $40

This is a place which is close to my house. I shot the photo while I was driving. I do not recommend doing this, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Winter Stream

watercolor 5 x 7 matted 8 x 10 $40

Well, maybe if spring would come, I wouldn't be painting all of these snow scenes. They are my favorite to paint. Maybe that is because I love the color blue. I came back to change the stream a bit, so I lost the copy that I had, imagine that. lol Let's see what I paint tomorrow.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Flower Card Workshop

watercolor 5 x 7 cards

This past Saturday I had a flower card workshop. I showed them how to paint these various flowers and then I also showed them how to assemble them into cards. We had a blast. I am thinking of having a Super Bowl Party where we can continue to make the cards. I am sure none of us are interested in the Big Game so this would be fun. I have all of the supplies, papers, punches, scissors, ribbons, bling, do-dads. All they would have to do between now and then would be to paint up a bunch of little paintings. I will show them how to assemble them and how to even make their own envelopes. My team will win!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

More Snow

watercolor 5 x 7 matted 8 x 10 $40

Ok, got my fun painting done yesterday so now I can get back to getting serious. Almost all of the decorations are put away (except for the snowman tree). Been getting my supplies ready for this Saturday's Flower Card Workshop and then next Saturday's Snow workshop. Call if you are interested in joining one of the workshops. Regular classes resume in March. That will be here before you know it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Be Mine!

watercolor 21 x 21

I am still taking down decorations but I wanted to do something fun and silly with my paints. I took that Santa out of the frame and then came up with this little design. It will hang in my friends' restaurant, "Scarborough Faire." I think I will get it made into my Valentin's Day card.

My dear hubby has been down with a sciatic nerve. He never is down and pain usually doesn't bother him. I new he was in bad shape when he asked to go to the Dr. yesterday. The x-rays also showed some other back problems...maybe I caused them from all the Christmas boxes. Yikes. Now I have to think about bringing out the Valentine decorations.

There are still a few openings in this Saturday's wc card class that I am holding in my studio. Let me know if you are interested.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

More Hydrangea


Ok. I took a break from taking down some of the Christmas trees and other holiday decorations. Still have lots to do...but I needed to paint. I wanted to try those hydrangea again without using those purples. I wanted it just pinks and greens and to see how soft and loose I could keep it.. Thought I would give you another example of my step-by-step painting process. For the final one I lightened the leaves. I was sooooooooo tempted to add black to the background. Thought I would see what it might need tomorrow. Who knows...maybe it needs black or purple.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Endless Summer--Hydrangea

watercolor 15 x 24

This was the painting that I did yesterday. Since it was a large painting, it took a lot of time to draw it out and to paint it. I finished it in the wee hours of today so I thought I would just post it today. My intent was to have this painting really soft using just those pinks and greens that you see on Hydrangea at the end of the season. Guess I got purple happy :) I should have painted another snow scene...since I didn't, we had a winter storm and we had about 8" of that white stuff.
After snow blowing this afternoon, I spent 6 hours starting to take down the Christmas decorations. I just have to remember that it took 1-1/2 weeks to put it up so it will take that long to put it away...wanna help?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Snow Barn ~ Step-by-Step

watercolor 12 x 28

This was a photo I took in the summer and I guess I still have snow on my mind...Keep warm!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Twin Pines

watercolor 15 x 22 mated to 18 x 24

This is a painting that I will be doing for the Chesterton Art Center on Saturday, Feb. 6. Call me or the center if you want to join our workshop. I video taped it also so there will be a DVD of it that will be available.
Now I have an idea to paint a barn tomorrow...will it have snow on it??? Is there another snow scene in me? Come back and see.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A Summer Place???

watercolor 5 x 7 matted to 8 x 10 $40

This is one of those little summer places in the winter. I think I would like the winter the would be so quiet and peaceful.
The party was a blast last night. I think we had 38 people in attendance. The food was so good and there was so much of it. Who ever said we were staving artists. The only thing I forgot to do was to take photos. I was too busy doing everything else. Well, gotta run. Since there was so much food left over, I invited Tim's aunt and uncle to come over to eat and to play cards.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's Snowing

Watercolor 5 x 7 matted to 8 x 10

Just tried to do something quick before my big party for my students. Gotta run and get the turkey out of the oven. They are beginning to come.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Shadows

watercolor 5 x 7 art matted 8 x 10 $40

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! Hope it started off well for you. This is my first painting of the year. It was a pretty day today with the sun out, but really cold!
I painted this scene from a photo that I shot in the summer...I just painted the trees naked,,,hehe.
Let's see how many snow paintings will be in this little series.....