Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Place Close By

watercolor 5-1/2 x 14 $40

This is a place which is close to my house. I shot the photo while I was driving. I do not recommend doing this, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.


  1. Hi Kathy I don´t know what hapen with my damned blog I have also trying to connect and couldn´t do it in the early morning. My explorer Firefox not permit pop-ups if I dont allow them. Probably your explorer has the same option.
    You live in a very beatiful place, now I can know where you find inspiration for your so pretty lanscapes.

  2. thanks Julian. when I have problems getting onto my blog through aol, then I go on through internet explorer. Try that. What is the time difference between us and spain? I just found out that India is 12 hours.

  3. Hi Kathy,
    Send some snow, we need it for the Olympics...Your winter scenes are good...we have rain.

  4. Ron, where do you live. Right now it is raining too and turning into ice. Not good. Will I paint ice next????
