Monday, February 22, 2010

Beauty Fenced In III

watercolor 12 x 18

I have been asked here on my blog and on facebook how do I paint my snow scenes. Here is tonight's painting with 4 of the many steps of layering. I hope this will help you out.
Today I thought I would try painting during the I know why I paint at night. There are just too many interruptions with phone, door bell, cooking dinner etc. I will continue painting at night. :) when it is quiet and no one will bother me....It may be late night here, but I know it is day time somewhere.


  1. Kathy,
    Thanks for posting these WIP pictures.. They are always educational.

  2. Loved your WIP! I just love your rendering of the trees :)

  3. Thanks guys, I am headed to the studio right now. It is a lonve day today with the sun shining...good day to take photos of the shadows in the snow.

  4. Beautiful and is a great thing that an artis teach how do her work,
    I lern much than with an art critic

  5. Roberto, Glad you like the painting and the step-by-step instruction. I hope it helps. I will do more of these.
    Happy Painting!

  6. nice progression of work,very intetersting and informativ!
