Thursday, February 18, 2010

Beauty Fenced In

watercolor 12 x 18

This is a painting I just completed from my trip into the country on Sunday. It was such a glorious day. I know, I said I wouldn't do anymore snow scenes....but I lied. Spring will come when it gets here. I don't think that my painting snow scenes is holding it back.
Now to go back to the studio and clean up my palette. I hate to have a dirty palette when I begin a new painting. Let's see...what will I paint next??? How about a snow scene?!


  1. Hi, Kathy I think this painting is more complicated and without any doubt you has resolved it fine. At the background is showing the trees with several differents distances away off and with its more clear shadows near to fence. Neither I could do it so well, He, he. But, some day..

  2. Oh!This is absolutely beautiful Kathy! Keep it coming!

  3. Hi Julian, thank you for your kind comments. It is not a mountain like you have climbed. Infact, I took the reference photo for this on Sunday while Tim was driving the car. I tried to catch the sun coming through on the upper left hand corner.

    Ramesh...TY. Glad you like it. I will see what I paint tomorrow. Maybe some more snow...come back and see.
    I appreciate both of your comments. If I am ever in Spain or India, I will look you both up. LOL. Did I tell you that I hate to travel.

  4. Well, my goodness, one should paint what one loves, and you love a snow scene! You paint it so beautifully that even one so jaded with the winter snows like me has to just stand back and admire. Clean that palette and get back to it!

  5. Thanks sijimon.s and Elizabeth. I will paint another snow scene. But I am teaching a class tomorrow and Saturday so I may have to wait a bit. Keep watching...the palette is clean and waiting for me. lol
