Monday, April 5, 2010

Come Tour Chicago.

watercolor 21 x 14

I decided to do a series of Chicago scenes. I do love the city and it is close enough to get reference material. People just love paintings of it. If you haven't been here yet, please come and visit...


  1. The styles are a mess because everyone try to change them. I like more your most recent style, but I suppose one should use that one you feel better. Well, Kathy I won't be necesary to go to Chicago. I hope to see more watercolors of this city.

  2. Hi Julian, I wrtoe you but it wasn't posted...:(
    It is hard to change styles, and I may not stay this way. I wanted the challenge.
    Please come to Chicago. I think you will like it. I have more Chicago scenes coming. Keep watching.

  3. Hi Guto, welcome to my blog. Ia this your first visit? I thank you for your compliment.
