Tuesday, April 27, 2010

"Still Waters I" Chicago

watercolor 14 x 21

Thought I would do a few water scenes since Chicago's shore line is Lake Michigan. Come and sail along with me.....


  1. Magnificent. I love how you handled the water and those trees. This is a beautiful piece of work.

    Go on, keep painting the beautiful Michigan lake shoreline. My work has brought me to the west coast of the beautiful lake. This comment comes from the living room of my apartment in Kenosha, WI and right now I am looking at your painting of the lake on my computer screen and the lake itself through my living room window at the same time :)

  2. Well, I think the third wave at end of watercolor and on left hand but almost in center, has an incorrect shape, the wave is moving upward and it should move down. MPDR. Luckily, the rest of painting works fine.

  3. Thanks Sujit! So we both share the same Lake:) Are you on Facebook. I thought you were from India. You are not that far from me. What is you job here? There is the big wc exhibit starting this weekend (I think) out your way. It would be worth your going to see it.
    I am sure you have gotten lots of photos with the lake too. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Julian, MPDR back at you. That wave is off because of the big fish underneath it. I think it's name is Julian. I am doing these Chicago scene and it turns out that I am actually doing a series in a series. I have more boats coming. Maybe one will be coming your way. Watch for it. I will be on it. I expect a meal when I get there :) Take it easel.

  5. Good rich colouration, looks good!

  6. This work is so beautiful. I loved the way you worked the light on the boats. I liked the colors, too. Really beautiful painting.

  7. Ron...now I am doing boats. lol
    There are more coming...keep watching

  8. Rogerio...Glad you like it. Wait till you see how I am using the litghts on the water in the next one. Now you have to come back.

  9. Rogerio...Glad you like it. Wait till you see how I am using the litghts on the water in the next one. Now you have to come back.
