Saturday, May 22, 2010

Peony III


Here is the third in that peony series. This one is not another purple, but a deep alizarin crimson. And, this is also one of those that grow on small trees.


  1. Hi Kathy, I feel more quiet knowing that you are only competing against yourself. MPDR. These colors I like more than the others, are brighter. I love red tones and your watercolor.

  2. I think red is your favorite color Julian...I am pooped. I worked in the gardens all day. My hands are so chapped and dirty. Can't get the dirt out. But wait till these flowers are in full bloom...I will be painting lots of flowers. I do not remember planting any red ones. opps! btw, I am glad you like the flower. Tomorrow...everything will be coming up roses. MPDR

  3. Kathy, these peonies are lovely! You know I love your flower painting. This last one is my favorite in this series of peonies.

  4. Rogerio....I am glad you like the peonies. Mine are just getting ready to bloom. They are a different variety. Hopefully I will shoot the roses I painted and will post one tonight. Today I will continue with the gardening.
    Have a great day!! You all come back hear. A tv program here in the US used to end with that saying....
