Friday, May 7, 2010

Reflections I

watercolor 7 x 11

I was teaching my students how to do reflections this week so you will be seeing a few little paintings that I did for them. It was good to get away from the Chicago series, but there are still more to come.


  1. Your students have a good teacher. I hope they can learn to paint the reflection so well as you did.

  2. Enjoyed the Chicago paintings, this looks good...

  3. Hi Julian..not joke today. LIke I see you got lost in the forest when you painted this one...
    I like to think they have a good teacher. Some have been with me for 20 years. It must be the good coffee that I make

  4. Hi Ron. Glad you liked Chicago series. I will be doing more but I thought I would post some demos that I did this past week. Will be painting flowers soon too. I am a seasonal painter. It is almost time to paint the flowers and to plant them. Although they say we might get frost tonight.
